Monday 18 September 2006

Behind the business news: Playing tax EU style

You may have seen at the weekend yet another proposed Spanish take-over of a UK insitution the tote in the Sunday Times.

Briefly, since 2002 the Spanish Government allows any good will in a deal (that is the amount over the price of the assests) to be set against future tax. This is different to the UK and other major European companies.

Thus Spanish companies, althought still having to pay up, can effectively write-off much of the cost at the government's expense. Hence we have seen this year O2, Abbey and BAA fall to Spainsh acquirers. The tax saving could be up to 20% of the goodwill. SO any other bidder would be hindered by this, as effectively the Spanish government is subsidising the bids

I make this point a) to be informative as to why so many of our companies are being taken over by Spanish companies and b) to show how playing with seemingly arcane tax law actually has big effects on our corporate ownership. All these companies used to pay tax on UK profits which will now no doubt move abroad over time.

This is one area where the UK is very poor competitively at the moment, losing out to the likes of Spain and Ireland for investment. I am not a fan of protectionism to stop this and nor of the EU setting our taxes for us. Instead the government should be looking to tie up these aggressive moves by our European partners; otherwise the short-term gain for the city as a result of the take-overs will become a long-term decline for our economy as corporate tax receits get drained abroad.


  1. Surely it's Spanish taxpayers who lose out whilst investors in British companies sell their shareholdings for more than they could otherwise hope!

    Even Labour ministers no longer complain about foreign owned companies in Britain!

  2. No, for 2 reasons; because the Spanish taxpayers get a net subsidy from the EU to help them along the way.

    Secondly because these companies will grow and flourish as htey are good organisations. The future profits will all go to Spain thus repaying the inital debt.

    The UK shareholders have made a quick buck, but it takes time to rebuild major industries and indeed we can't really build a new-home grown competitor to BAA (although I accept this is not the case with o2)

  3. But the extra value is created by the Spanish Government, and is paid to existing shareholders.

    The real losers have to be Spanish taxpayers. This seems to be an empire building tax law.

  4. Anonymous1:15 pm

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