Monday 16 October 2006

650,000 deaths in Iraq, that's nothing.

There were 2 big Iraq stories last week. One was the General Dannat speaking out about the failure of our occupation and the need to withdraw. The second was the publication by a US medical think tank of studies (The Lancet).

The latter was completed on a very odd set of rules about what to use as evidence. In fact even the BBC has allowed a story which is implicitly critical of the numbers.

I have done some thinking about this and have looked into UK deaths. Did you know that since 2003 there have been 1,50,000 people die in the UK (see here for NAO Stats). What has President Bush done to stop this? Or Tony Blair, is he doing enough to stop 500,000 deaths of UK citizens per year?

How many of these are due to terrorism or violence? We don't know for sure but using the Lancet's methodology of just asking people and believing what they say it could number hundreds of thousands. It does not take a great leap of imagination to come up with a few ideas of why Iraqi people would want to blame US/UK actions for their sad losses.

In fact, Iraq has a population of 26 million people. That is 43% of the population of England, so they could have had 43% of our deaths in the last 3 years. That would be 649,000 deaths in Iraq. Odd, eh?

Now I am not trying to deny that there have been thousands of deaths casued by war and violence in Iraq; only that the Lancets use of statisistics is about as convincing as mine above.


  1. I’m glad you have posted on this question. Putting the number of deaths at 655,000 Iraqis does seem excessive. And the methodology used by the researchers in compiling the statistics does seem flawed. They claim to have used a population-based, active method for collecting mortality information (i.e., they went around Iraq asking people to estimate how many people they knew had died since the invasion-dodgy, a method open to abuse) rather than methods that depend on counting bodies or tabulated media reports of violent deaths. Other estimates based on think tank figures and media sources have yielded lower estimates. The Iraq Body Count Database says between 43,850 and 48,693 civilians have died since the invasion. Iraqi government officials put the total Iraqi death toll since the war started at 40,000. I deplore the whole Iraq debacle but I certainly don’t buy the 655, 000 deaths figure…

  2. Anonymous6:44 pm

    I'm just glad I don't have a son fighting over there, the sooner our forces come home, the better, but I don't know know how or when that will happen, we are in at the deep end and there is no solution in sight.

  3. Anonymous11:45 pm

    The Military in both the US and the UK are running an effective campaign, old soldiers are being wheeled out, Simon Weston is doing his bit, so is Lord Brammall. Unless Campbell and Cameron get their arses in gear and oppose this Government and bring a vote of no confidence,we are going to have problems with the Army.

  4. Whada-them-Iraqis got to complain about, eh? We got rid a Saddam for them, right?

  5. Anonymous1:12 pm

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