Monday 30 October 2006


So much to write on the current loopiness of the environmental pronuoncements of all parties. However today Wat Tyler does a better job than I could.

Just to add, I am very concerend that the media chatterati are just lapping all this rubbish up.

Who is going to declare that the emperor has no clothes?

What has happened to the Tory party; going green has also meant losing touch with reality on this issue entirely.

Vote Blue, Red Orange - vote for poverty.


  1. Anonymous10:24 pm

    How about seeing is believing, if you don't believe what you read in the papers, what about TV reports? Have you watched documentaries about this too? I keep meaning to pop into the Scott Polar Institute in Cambridge and see what they have to say about this, they have an exploration base in the South Pole, so they would see the evidence.

  2. Anonymous11:40 pm

    I am not a climate change denyier. ijust think that our politico's have.hijacked the agenda for their own ends. there are sensible ways of making change other than preaching sodom & gomorrah then raising taxes.

  3. Anonymous11:34 am

    I've said it before and I'll say it again: The current fascination with green matters is nothing to do with Tony getting all enviro-friendly.

    No, this is just Tony Bliar busy trying to formulate a legacy for the Blair Years which isn't Iraq, high taxes or mindboggling amounts of silly legislation.

    It'll all be forgotten when he finally gets the boot, just you watch.

  4. Anonymous1:26 pm

    Anonymous, if you read my post on this from yesterday, there are some comments from Australia which clearly demonstrate how the bullet is beginning to bite, rivers drying up and even children who have never seen rain. We need to act now and we need to be united globally.

  5. Elle, climate change is a fact, how much and how far it will go is up for debate.

    The way to the future is international action now. Not domestic political posturing.

    If Blair was serious he would be doing everything to make a difference touring China, India and the US; but he is not doing this is he?

    Why? Because he is not serious

  6. Ellee,

    It's a massive conceit to think that man is the cause.

    It's an even bigger conceit to think you can do anything about it rather than manage the consequences of whatever the planet wants to get up to.

    How many lives must be sacrificed to Gaia for the moral grandstanding of melons (green veneer, red to the pips)?

  7. Anonymous1:10 pm

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