Wednesday 29 November 2006

Economic surprise in the Leeward Isles

Aborad in the Caribbean this week, so little posting.

of note in the business and political world here though is the story of sugar. You may remember that Britain founded colonies here to produce sugar nearly 300 years ago.

We supported the islands until 3 years ago, via subsidy for their produce. Then the WTO over-ruled our right to subsidise islands and we could no longer help them. The unit cost of sugar was equal £1.20 and the international average rate £1.

I recall being much dismayed on hearing this and wondering how the islands would cope. Along with the socialists who too rang their hands at international capitlisms worst travesty..

However, the sugar was mainly farmed by immigrant Haitians to keep the cost down. Now that these people have left crime has fallen and as much of the money went to these workers and the international traders the economy has barley suffered. Indeed, the politicians here have run on tickets to promote tourism and develop the island. Things are moving apace and the country as a whole is improving quickly.

Until the socialists and greens impose stiff charges on air fares which will destroy the tourist industry here; but then they are not coconcerned about that are they?

So much haschanged that Slicker's idea tothe president of using sugar fields to fire a new power station to replace their ancient diesel one has fallen on deaf ground.; they don't want to know about sugar here any more.


  1. Anonymous3:49 pm

    I wonder what my MEP will say about that, he is an international trade spokesman and has worked a lot on the sugar regime. I thought the African Caribbean countries relied on sugar as their main industry. You mentioned converting it into power, that's certainly what's happening in Brazil, they have the highest useage of biofuels made from sugar beet.

  2. I know, I was surprised by all this myself. Just shows the rule of unintended consequences

  3. Just to mention that this particular post is looked at in the current Blogfocus, CUS, if it is of interest.

  4. Anonymous1:05 pm

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