Wednesday 22 November 2006

Greg & Polly

The siesmic wave that has emanted from Greg Clark (not Barker, yet another Greg who has sullied the Tories reputaiton of late) today has left me speechless. Along with most of the known world I regard Polly Toynbee as the devil incarnate whose only usefulness is in helping to define what you should not believe.

However, now the NuTories are a-changing again. The re-branding will not end. The Tories are to embrace Polly. Hopefully this is just all some sick joke to wind-up the members and win over some wimpy Lib Dems.

Mr Eugenides sums up the universal reaction perfectly.

I am seriously considering abandoning the Tories as a party; I fail to see what part of the centre right they represent on any issue. They would miss my vote too, living in one of the tightest marginals.


  1. "Hopefully this is just all some sick joke to wind-up the members and win over some wimpy Lib Dems."

    Let's hope so. The problem with excessive rebranding is that you end up with no core principles. Look at Labour for instance...

  2. Thanks very much for your comment on my blog a couple of days ago. I hope you don't mind me linking to a couple of my posts, but I've taken lengthy issue both with the economics and with the morality of Toynbee's position on wealth distribution and "social exclusion".

  3. Anonymous6:29 pm

    Definitely a wind up, there are limits.

  4. Us real Tories need to wave a stick at the leadership.

  5. Lots of Tories on newsnight and now Question Time tongiht defending this. Less convinced of the wind-up, more convinced of the loss of control at the wheel by the Cameroonies.

  6. Nevr mind the end of the honeymoon period for Cameroon. The bloody divorce became final today. I'm off to help shape UKIP into a real party (and finding that they don't actually need much shaping).

  7. Anonymous1:39 pm

    Before you join Ukip- go take a look here:

  8. Anonymous1:06 pm

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