Wednesday 13 December 2006

Winterval/Christmas/Holiday Festivities et al

At this time of year it is traditional to whine about the decline of the Christian meaning of Christmas etc. However, not being Christian myself, I am happy with the fabulous shopping and eating binge.

What does get me though, operating in the corporate world, is the utter politically correct lameness of an excuse for keeping in touch with clients/customers etc; that is e-chrismas cards and their ilk.

I offer here an example of the worst 'Christmas Card' that I have recieved this year. It's truly awful.

Other examples in the comments please...


  1. Anonymous4:48 pm

    I would have expected Deloitte to come up with something more imaginiative, it doesn't say much for their creativity.

    I'm afraid I can't reciprocate as I haven't been sent an electronic card yet.

  2. That was sickening and it's more than 'coming up with something better' - it's a cynical mindset which says: 'We're observing the decencies, aren't we good,buy from us'.

    The worst I've had is from a car firm in Scarborough where I bought a Peugeot and it was something like: 'At this festive time, we'd like to thank you for your past custom and trust we can be of service to you in the future. Please call ...' etc.

  3. I like the CRE's card for this year. Shame I don't have any contact with them (hmm, not really).

  4. Ellee - Creatvity and corporate marketing seldom seem to be fellow travellers.

    James - I agree with you. All these efforts do more harm tot their interests than good.

    Drummer - I'll have to see that one then!

  5. Anonymous4:02 pm

    This is the worst Christmas card I have ever seen anywhere. It looks more like a marketing leaflet than anything else.

    Bel (

  6. Anonymous1:04 pm

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