Sunday 14 January 2007

2007 predictions update

Many people seem keen that we have an election this year. I am too, but this really is very wishful thinking. Slicker is sticking by the prediction that Brown will remain in character as a coward.

I note to the information here, that says that Cameron has raised £20 million for the Tories to fight a campaign. At the same time Labour is so in debt that it would rely entirely on the Unions to fund a an election fight; in itself likely to be hugely controversial and negative for the party when seeking middle class votes.

So, sadly, there will not be an election this year unless Brown has a sudden desire to commit political suicide.


  1. Definitely no election.This year or next. NuLabour is politically and financial broke. They are heading for disastrous election results in Scotland and Wales. Iraq rumbles on. Economic woes are mounting. And Gordo won't be enjoying much of a honeymoon once he enters No:10. Gordo will complete the entire mandate to 2010. Then he'll be off to the US to become president of the World Bank....

  2. I would like to see an election but I doubt there will be one. the parties are too much in debt to fight one.

  3. Let us hope so IS. Elections are fun though so it is a shame there will be no fun this year.

    Typical Broon year in other words.

  4. Anonymous5:06 pm

    I would like to see an election this year too. Brown will need to establish his authority among his govt as well as the public. Let's wait and see.

  5. Anonymous8:18 am

    I've just blogged on why I think there may be a snap election and also why it may be sooner than we think.

    Think about campaign finance changes looming, the possible bounce in the polls with a new leader for new labour...

    He may think it's worth a punt.

  6. Ellee/MS -

    I really think they would struggle to afford it. I must put some money on this at political betting / bet fair.

  7. No no you are all wrong. The boudary commission is due to ahnd the conservative Party between 20 and 40 seats . This must be a huge factor in his calculations .The basis of the Union has got to slide further from his grasp and he will geta good bounce from the relief of Blair . We have discussed a couople of things he could announce quickly to bounce a victory .

    The economy is slipping but his personal repuitation for incompetence is still intact this could get very much worse and it is vital for him.

    You say he is a coward? Really ...I wouldn`t know but poltically the best move would be to go early . It will aslo take the Consevative Party a while to enmire him back into his record .

    We shall see..but i `m usually right (I wish)

  8. I don't think there will be an election in 2007. Gordon Brown is naturally cautious and so, if elected Labour leader, i'm sure he will delay calling an election.

    Anyhow, there is no precedent for calling an election when the ruling party changes its leader [like the Tories in 1990].

  9. N - you make sound arguments as to why he should go. However, finance is key to winning an election and it will be hard for Labour to do so.

    Gordo could have 3.5 years to bed in and for the public to tire with Cameron. I think he will choose this option.

    Buy you a drink if I am wrong!

  10. Anonymous1:00 pm

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