Wednesday 3 January 2007

Slicker reviewed

The excellent Tom Paine, a blogger of better repute and quality than me by far, has completed a review of my site for the sake of Blogpower.

I am grateful for this and in turn urge you to look at lastditch in return. It is one of the two top Moscow based blogs, the other of course being James Higham. There is much excellence to be found , as his comment and discussion on the Simone Clarke controversy, shows him at his thoughtful and intellectual best.

Blogpower too is proving a great success, showcasing many excellent blogs (excepting mine of course!). I commend you to the many links on my blogroll, excellent bloggers all and capabale of opening your eyes to events and issues the world over.


  1. I worry sometimes in the fun of outdoing one another to be righter than thou you can end up saying things you don`t believe . I often do.
    In some circles there is a sort of proxy racism under the guise of "I wouldn`t do it ..but I understand "..the BNP.This ballet Nazi tale verges on such a thing.
    Or if not other similar "Freedom to hold political belief "tales do

  2. I see your point, but I still think the left jumps on any chance to paste people as racists.
    In addition I always want to beliwve that we live in a country where you can think what you like even if you don't say it. Lefties don't want this and they will dream up any way possible to make sure thry get their way; even if this means your job.

  3. Anonymous10:00 am

    Sorry CU, but I've got to pick you up on a couple of things here. Firstly, there's no such thing as "the left". Don't believe me? Well ask Matt M if he agrees with me about the Euston Manifesto... Having said that, I would probably agree with him on many things, but please allow for the fact that there can be differences of opinion.

    Secondly,I still think the left jumps on any chance to paste people as racists. Check out the comments to Daily Referendum's latest - I've linked to some pretty incontrovertible evidence from Unity and Obsolete, I think, but I'm bending over backwards to allow avowed BNP member Central News a way round it.

  4. Ian,

    I take your point and read with interest the links. I do not advocate supporting the BNP per se. I stand by my point that 'the left' (yes, you are correct that this is a terrible over-generalisation) jumps on any BNP/Right Wing issue that it can.

    This however is a refelction of many of the Labour and SWP ("the left") growing up in the anti-fascist league etc. It becomes a right of passage to attack perceived racism, just as a badge of honour.

    Racism is illegal and can be rightly criticised and censured, but so are drugs. Would it be wrong to support a party which advocated relaxing the laws on drugs?

    People should be free to support the BNP as a political party. After all people vote for Sinn Fein too. Of course, people should be free to tell everyone the BNP are racists; but Simone Clarke should not lose her job, just her credibility.

    The campaign to take away her job on the spurious argument that she receives public funding and therefore her state employer should be able to sack on the grounds theat she does not live their values is frightening. Logically, they could use the same reasoning to sack Tories or anyone.

    We should all be free to belived what we like; actions that break the law should be punished. Not thoughts and beliefs.

  5. Just a little point - I'm not Moscow and am about as far away as you are, in the fSU. Like the new look of the blog too. Thirdly, stop talking your blog down. It's excellent. I said so in the sidebar. So there.

  6. Anonymous6:57 pm

    Tom is a really nice guy as well, he is extremely knowledgeable, so you should feel very pleased with yourself.

  7. Anonymous1:02 pm

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