Tuesday 3 April 2007

Post Office update - part Grrr...

In my long running campaign to get this noticed, I have neglected to read the output form Government Ministers' for a couple of weeks.

However, now as we expected the Government has delayed the publication of its own consultation (here).

The Post Office consultation was commenced in December and was due to finish in March. In fact it did, on 8 March 2007.

What is so predictable is that the outcome of this consultation has magically been delayed until mid-May 2007. Nicely timed to be after the local elections.

The government is determined not to make the closure of local services a local election issue. What a nice honest bunch of people they are!

I am not in principle against closing loss making Post Offices the way, however the Government have interfered in this market for so long that it has become completely destabilised and has lost its core business model. Government withdrawal of benefits paid through post offices is a typical example of this.

However, what makes me angry is that this mes is a key political issue and the problems are politically caused; so of course the Government wants to avoid them becoming an election issue.



  1. Anonymous8:43 am

    This should be made public, and also the reasons why they are loss making when in 1997 just prior to Bliar and New laboru taking over they were about £500million in profit annually.

    That is the bigger scandal.

  2. Anonymous12:19 pm

    And the Govt knows its one local issue that really mobilises people who do vote - namely the older generation.

  3. If the mugs - ie the voters - don't know by now that their local post offices are under threat then they don't deserve to keep them. Voting is not a one-way street: it requires, at least, some thought on the part of the voters. That the government attempts to keep this issue (or any live issue) from the electors until after the election shows the contempt our rulers have for us. Far worse though, it demonstrates the level to which the electorate has been dumbed down that this kind of chicanery will probably work.

  4. No matter what bad news they hold back on, they have so little good news that they are understandably very concerned about the local elections... Michelle

  5. Thanks for all your comments. Having been out I have not been able to reply quickly enough!

    Shotgun - exactly, much of the problem is the false market created by government interventions.

    Mutley - yes, that is why they want ot play it down!

    Umbongo - I agree with you in part, but I think the complicit attitude of the media to ignore this as an issue does hide it from people.

    Dr. Michelle - let's just hope they do have a really bad night!

  6. Anonymous12:45 pm

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