Saturday 14 April 2007

Spring = Summer Meme

With an nice early spring today and a great tip for the Grand National via text (Hedgehunter, clearly sent by a rocket scientist), I am in a good mood. Summer is a nice time and thanks to global warming will get even better in Blighty for the rest of my life.

So here are the 3 things I look most forward to in Summer:

4 - People - I love the way the summer improves everybody in our country, they dress down, have a happier mood and overall it is a more relaxed place than the cold, defensive winter months.

2 - Pimms & Lemonade in the garden - How relaxing is this, little slicker can play with the dog whilst I relax for a change. Just need to get the wireless set-up for the laptop outside and all will be perfect.

3 - Schools out - yup, sad old me, 20 mins off my commute with no school runs and empty (albeit hot trains). A real treat for 2 months.

So, Raedwald, Welshcakes and Ian, what are your favourite summer?

(PS Mrs Slicker I am very aware that this summer we are looking forward to have another baby most of all.)


  1. Hello Cityunslicker. I'll keep plugging away here and hoping.

    I prefer the winter, to be honest, as we have a nice one over here. I usually get a bit sad around this time of the year.

  2. Anonymous5:36 pm

    Congratulations on the new baby, that is something very special to look forward to, I loved being pregnant throughout the summer, though my first son was born during a heatwave (we should be used to them by now) when temperatures soared to 100F.

    I love being outdoors, lots of walks and visiting beautifyl gardens, I love being by the water too.

    Sorry to hear that James is sad throughout the summer, I haven't heard of that before. I hope you have a great summer.

  3. Hi, c/u. Well, I'm with you on the Pimms! Still haven't found any here, though. What else? Here it has to be the ice cream! And the siesta quietness. But I HATE the 2 weeks' closure around Aug 15th - makes me feel so isolated! Oh, and I hate worrying about leg waxing the whole time!

  4. Ps: Forgot to say the most important thing - a new baby! Wow! Felicitazioni dalla Sicilia.

  5. Just picking this up this morning - nice one! Let me have a quick think and blog it ....

  6. Anonymous12:44 pm

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