Thursday 10 May 2007

And it's goodnight from him....but hello from Mr Drew.

So Tony Blair has said he will stand down at last. Can't say I am happy having seen his rather pathetic speech which the media are all over; bad as he is, Brown is worse.

'I did what I thought was right'.

..what sort of comment is that on 10 years of work? Anyone would surely say this about themselves apart from a total psychotic. I guess he reached this point as all his supposed achievements have nearly unwound themselves.

On that note, interest rates have gone up another .25% today which is no great surprise given the dismal underlying economic state of the country. I am not a pessimist by nature, but the state of public finances is very poor considering we are at the top of the cycle in terms of economic growth. interest rates will top at at 6%, which is alot if you have 5x salary owing on your mortgage like a lot of people.

What economy will Gordon Brown inherit? It is not he legacy that Major left for Blair, that is for sure.

I am not pleased at all that Brown is to be PM; an awful man with poor judgement and quick to anger. None of these are qualities needed in a Prime Minister. Sadly I don't think he is stupid enough to go for a snap election.

And with these comments, I am off for a break far away.

In the meantime for your delectation, the site will be looked after by the super-intelligent and incisive:

Mr. Nick Drew

He will no doubt do a better job than me in keeping you entertained for a couple of weeks.

See you all later.


  1. Anonymous11:41 pm

    'I did what I thought was right'.

    Literally the NAZI Nuremberg defence, and it didn't wash then either, and is too easy and glib a way to distance himself from the massive incompetence and sleaze.

    I'll give it a few months and let's see how history will judge him.

  2. Us foreigners were AMAZED to learn last night that the USA was your oldest ally. Here was me thinking that the UK was invented at least 400 years ago...

  3. Yes JJ, and of course Portugal is traditionally considered the holder of this honoured title by those who know their history.

    Followed, interestingly, by the Sultan of Muscat (these days, Oman) if memory serves correctly.

    But we are dealing with people whose ignorance - and air-brushing - of history is culpable and malicious (e.g. failing to credit John Major with the N.Ireland peace process).

  4. Nick - excellent to see you sticking a toe in the water.

    JJ - I think it is the Portuguese who are our oldest ally - 700 years and going strong. Good job they never discovered our plot to carve up their African empire with the Huns.....

  5. Thanks, C. I might even try some links when I review the Sundays tonite.

    Can you confirm (or otherwise) my belief about the Sultanate?

  6. Best I can do so far: "Oman was the object of Franco-British rivalry throughout the 18th century. During the 19th century, Oman and the United Kingdom concluded several treaties of friendship and commerce. In 1908 the British entered into an agreement of friendship. Their traditional association was confirmed in 1951 through a new treaty of friendship, commerce, and navigation by which the United Kingdom recognized the Sultanate of Oman as a fully independent state". Source

  7. Anonymous12:39 pm

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