Saturday 19 May 2007

An Honourable Leftie

Politics this morning, with at best a tenuous link to business.

This is David Winnick (Lab, Walsall N): not the kind of MP I would normally have much time for, and I rather imagine that most readers of Slicker’s blog would feel the same way. He is an unreconstructed leftist; and he had the temerity to sit for Croydon South for a short time (as the result of a small accident in 1966) and was thus my MP.

However, twice in one week he has conducted himself as a man of honour. Firstly, he declined to nominate McBroon, and will thus be able to wear proudly the Don’t Blame Me teeshirt in due course.

Secondly, he voted against David Maclean's shameful Freedom of Information (Amendment) Bill. His speech in the Commons yesterday was heartfelt and right on point.

By contrast, the current MP for what is effectively the same Croydon constituency Andrew Pelling (Con, Croydon Central), voted for this disgraceful Bill. I do not know why.

David Winnick, honourable old leftie, I salute you.


  1. You're getting all Sarkie in your old age, CUS, moseying up to the left. This sort of magnanimity might get you preselected for said seat before long.

  2. Don't blame the Slicker, James, he's on holiday

    & he foolishly left me with the car-keys ...

  3. Hear hear Mr D. I am, to say the least, disappointed in Mr Pelling.

  4. There's something of an irony here, C, recalling that Pelling's predecessor, the comical but earnest welshman Geraint Davies, got into hot water in a rather high-profile manner over his use and abuse of the public purse.

    Given that AP's majority was wafer-thin, who knows but it might have hinged on the publicity given to this episode.

    There's gratitude for you!

    Once more, we must look to the Lords for salvation.

  5. There are times when I wish that the Commons was subservient to the Lords....

  6. Anonymous12:36 pm

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