Saturday 2 June 2007

Pensions - A sad fact of the week

Aon Consulting have been in the press this week as they have released some new data on pension deficits. A few years ago corporations in the UK were panicking as changes in accounting rules meant that their pensions schemes were collectively over £100 billion in debt.

They met this challenge by massive reductions in pension entitlements to their staff. Hardly anyone under 35 has a final salary scheme anymore. Instead they are lucky to have a money purchase scheme that will 'pay' out typically less than 1/3rd of a final salary scheme.

This is the background to the information that Aon have published. The deficits have been whittled away and the corporate schemes are now nearly in credit. This has been spun as good news when it is nothing of the kind. The reasons the schemes are in credit is that they have reduced their obligations, probably by a figure not unadjacent to £100 billion, to their own staff.

So to summarise, whatever you read about this in the papers this weekend, the opposite is probably the truth.


  1. Anonymous12:22 am

    Yes, I am hoping this will out, but will it?

    The media still seem hell bent on keeping the public in the dark.

    Reminds me of how Network Rail slashed the percentage of trains running late, and the amount of train services that were unprofitable... in the first instance they just canceled every regularly late service, and the latter did the same, thereby making other services more profitable. Instant success, but like this, it wasn't anything of the sort.

  2. CUS - you realize you're in it? Also ... don't forget to get those nominations in for the Blogpower Awards - vote early and vote often!

  3. Shot - thanks for this, the comparison is apt. There is an agenda to divert the public's attention away from the real disaster. Sadly, it often works...

  4. Anonymous11:35 pm

    Oh -you deleted me... fun job you have is it? Its Ok I wont bother you again.

  5. Mutley - no I did not, if I did it was an accident!

  6. Anonymous12:32 pm

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