Monday 4 June 2007

Vote for ME - this time its personal...

UPDATE: Nominations are now over and I am pleased by the support that you have shown thus far. Now the important bit, back to the provinces and prepare for government, I mean, time to vote to complete the rout.

Also my secretary today was discussing the problem of Russia and its nuclear arsenal and alleged terrosit tendencies, a country in which James Higham now resides. Basically they need a good lesson in Democracy to help them back on the righteous path.

(She was more worried though that she may get infected with 'Pollenium' via email; I told her a nice dose of anti-histamines will see her right).

But with the deomcratic record of Russia and James as host, maybe he will win every category with 110% of the vote. Only you can stop him....

either email or here


  1. Anonymous8:02 am

    CU, you are really brilliant to have come up with this cover. You are certainly a brilliant financial writer, I'm not sure if there is an award for that. I find the voting process for this very laborourious, I wish there was a link you could click and just add your nomination in a simpler and faster way. Good luck, I hope you win an award.

  2. Anonymous9:37 am

    Will do Slicker

  3. Anonymous2:44 pm

    and me as well... don't forget me!!

  4. The art of politics is not dead, I see...

  5. Delicor - my blog is proof enough...!!

    Ellee - It is all thanks to Ian at Shades of gray I should have put a note in saying I nicked it!
    It is hard, but then james is kind to organise and do it all himself.

    Shotgun - cheers sir.

    Mutley - our mutual appreciation society shoudl see us through I hope.

    Crushed - I'll take that as a compliment.

  6. Bloody hell, CU, the standard of your commenters has gone downhill recently.

    Not that I'm doing much to redress the balance.

  7. That Rodrigo gets around...

    Well done for getting through.

  8. thanks Ian and ian....I don't want to have to turn moderation on; must be a sign of popularity!

  9. Anonymous12:32 pm

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