Sunday 12 August 2007

Sunday Business Round Up - The heat is on

In more ways than one, as Mrs Slicker is currently in early Labour. I have tried to convince her of a sane alternative; but we shall be on our way to hospital at some point today more than likely.

As for the Sunday Papers; the business sections are easily the most interesting this week.

(image hat-tip

Hedge funds to blame - says the Telegraph.

...and don't go back into the market yet - Although the end tone of this article is almost comical in its faith that all will be fine.

The governments will print more money to help sooth the crisis - but will this fuel inflation?

The people who will suffer from the credit crunch - The Guardian notes the central banks have not helped the plight of the actual sub-prime mortgage holders.

ICI still for sale - Even as some leveraged deals like Sainsbury's fall apart. it looks like this one will go (it better, I took a punt on this last week as the share price collapsed).

Gold not to be a safe haven this time? - one for Sackerson to ponder here.

Dubai to but Nordic stock exchange - Following our theme on Sovereign funds, here comes Dubai to wreck a NASDAQ bid.

Spanish fight back on Heathrow - BAA make some outlandish demands to counter all the negative PR this week. Ouch for them buying BAA with so much debt. yea for them that the Government will no doubt recommend break up and make their assets worth a fortune!

Superstores damage small businesses - So the Pope is Catholic after all. What this article lacks is balance. How good a quality is your local store; better than an M&S food?

BBC iplayer - How market distortion does not help.


  1. Best wishes to you all !


  2. Gold did all right for me, but I'm out now! Yes, it tends to go down when the market does - but when big inflation strikes, it may be a different story.

    Best wishes for the happy event.

  3. Labour? You've not been at it again, CUS? Congrats!

  4. May all go well! Delurking.

  5. Anonymous11:20 pm

    Best of luck to you both...and the rugrat :-)

  6. Good luck and very best wishes. Hope all goes well for the three of you.

  7. Grendel - who said it was three - there might be another little mite lurking away in there!

  8. Thnaks all - progress very slow. More updates later!

  9. Good luck CU !!! will all be fine!

    (...oh god those poor people...)

  10. All the best to you both xx

  11. Anonymous12:15 pm

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