Friday 28 September 2007

Swing Low !

Beer in hand - here we go !


  1. Anonymous6:34 pm

    Forgive the OT question, but is the date of Darling's Autumn Statement known yet? I'd just like to schedule my panicking.

  2. **** dearime, this isn't Croydonian, you know!

    Oh, all right

    "Alistair Darling announced on 25 July that the 2007 Pre-Budget Report will be delivered in October, together with the Comprehensive Spending Review. The exact date has not been given. This is considerably earlier than in previous years and is potentially likely to mean that there will be less tax content, in part as many consultations are open for responses in September."

    Previous years:

    6 December 2006
    5 December 2005
    2 December 2004
    10 December 2003
    27 November 2002
    27 November 2001
    8 November 2000
    9 November 1999
    3 November 1998
    25 November 1997

    Never let it be said ...!

    (now, back to the beer)

  3. Hooray, a victory at last.

    not so sure that we will be saying this at this time next Saturday though!

  4. Damn, missed it. To quote a comment on one of Cape Canaveral's early launches: what went right? Had the Tongans had too much roast pig for breakfast? Or is it that we award too many points for goal-kicks?

  5. Sackers -

    > it rained

    > England had a simple game-plan (territory)

    > we took Tonga seriously from the off

    > Tonga can't kick or throw in (but they didn't give away that many penalties)

    > we had a couple of 50:50 situations that went our way (both Sackey's tries, in different ways)

    And, by Heaven, Lewis Moody is one brave nutter !

    CU - actually I reckon Australia is one of the more do-able Qtr-finals for England, if we field the right pack

  6. Anonymous12:03 pm

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