Thursday 11 October 2007

FTSE Edges towards new high

As ever the Finance markets are often very unpredictable. The past month has seen a full recovery on the main market in London of all the losses from the credit crunch; this is despite the ongoing problems at Northern Rock (borrowing more from the government with every passing day) and the troubles in the commercial paper market.

Why, then?

Well, for one thing the US 0.5% interest rate cut has stimulated demand in the US and pushed up the Dow and Nasdaq. Also a weakening dollar is starting to help US exports. This partially explains the UK markets as we follow the US closely as an Anglo-Saxon economy.

If you look at this graph too, you can seen the sector split too. Mining has been very good (not that I can advise, but nearly all my small investment capital is in Gold and Natural Resources) as have Oil and Financial Services. You may wonder at Financial services but the banks until this quarter have been making record profits and the Life sector has picked up too.

Is this a dead cat bounce though? Always hard to predict. The FTSE All-Share is up 12% on the year so far, with the Samll Caps much less buoyant then the FTSE100. Times look tougher ahead into the new year. If houses prices do go down thought then shares will look a better asset class, so there may be some odd feedback support for a little while.


  1. I don't have cash to invest, but when all this talk of the dodgy mortgages started I believe I tipped German car manufacturing.

    I see Porsche and VW hit new highs again today.

    This trading lark looks easy to me.

  2. Anonymous11:31 am

    Sadly these are actually bad signs! Volume in the US has been low, meaning the smart money is staying out of the market (and presumably waiting for a sharp fall. Mining shares rising is in line with commodity prices rising (due to excess money supply causing inflation) - in an inflationary situation you want to be either buying raw materials or buying into the producers of those raw materials. Thus traders are predicting severe inflation in the US....

  3. Anonymous11:34 am

    Which reminds me, was it Ludwig von Mises that said something like "At the beginning, everyone LOVES the effects of an inflationary economy...."

  4. Anonymous12:05 pm

    I am mostly investing in fresh fruit importers!!

  5. The Telegraph said that the stock exchange has never gone up over the course of a Labour government. Seeing as the FTSE 100 was at 3,800 when the current shower of shit took over, rose to 7,000-ish in 1999, fell back to 3,500 before Iraq war and now is 6,800, there is plenty of time for it to halve again over next year or two to maintain Labour's unbeaten record of being total and utter incompetent arseholes.

  6. Bit inconclusive isn`t it ?

  7. and to complete newmania's view the market ended quite quietly today at the end of the week. down next to nothing.

  8. Anonymous11:59 am

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