Friday 5 October 2007

Random Friday thoughts

So if Brown does not go for an election does this mean we will be calling him Gordon Brown-pants next week?

I am really getting irked by people who wear ipods and are oblivious to everyone else, they walk into you because they have lost their sense of hearing and personal space; They are a commuting nightmare. It gets worse when they turn up the tunes so loud that you are forced to listen to their squealy R'n'B gangsta trash. It takes the individualist society to a new level.

Tomorrow we look at private schools for the kids. The fees are absolutely, jaw-droppingly insane; and yet there is little choice as the state schools fall ever further behind due to their marxist doctrines. I am a firm believer two that the only things you can really give your kids is a good education and stable, secure home life. No doubt by Sunday I will be in full force to Mrs Slicker about the needs for her to return to work quick sharp...sadly my hard sales skills are of no use dans le maison.

UPDATE: What a day. Brown living up to his nickname as given above and will look like a right sour puss for months to come. Then both the Aussies and Kiwi's sent back on long-haul!
Bring on the French next weekend...


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. 1) iPods are shit. Buy yourself a Creative Zen Touch.

    2) The way forward is vouchers for schools. Vote UKIP.

    Deleted first post because of typo.

  3. I like my ipod...but there is a time and a place. My Creative product lasted about a year.

    Vouchers for schools I agree with; but not UKIP. I thought about it hard, but I am sticking with the Tories. UKIP is just a pointless protest vote. may as well vote monster raving loony?

  4. Have you calculated the NPV of your offspring, CU ?

    Scary, huh ? Good job it's only money (speaking as one whose own kids both flew the nest this year!)

  5. Its bit early for a baby to be loaded up with expectation isn`t it CU. We have solved the problem by moving somewhere with decent schools ..

  6. We have a decent state school with an 80% 9 A-C pass rate.

    A 3 bed house in the catchment area is gonna set you back at least £200k.

    A few miles away in 'smackville' where the pass rate is more like 50% or less (used to be 26% before grade inflation) you can get one for £70k.

    In the USA they use something called 'bussing' to solve this opportunity gap, they reckon Colin Powell would have never got to where he got had he been born in Tower Hamlets or Hackney.

  7. Marxism in the classroom? No time for that, I can assure you. The ambitious revolutionaries of the 60s and 70s got out of the classroom early on; they've been bombing the profession from above ever since. Like New Labour, they were determined to do well out of doing good, and if forced to make a choice, they'd opt for the first.

    It's the constant chopping and changing of the curriculum, the misbehaviour of maladjusted children, the five or ten different special arrangements that are in place in every lesson to handle all the differences in ability and "special needs", the endless paperwork sapping the psychic energy that you need to dominate a class - these are the things that hamper education.

  8. Vote Libertarian you know it makes sense !

    Finished payng school fees after twenty years for my two last year, balls breakingly hard graft for parents, but worth every penny when you compare the outcome against schools were containment not education is the norm.

    Good Luck

  9. There is a cheaper option, for those who haven't got deep pockets or well-situated houses: Education Otherwise as per the 1944 Education Act. DIY can be perfectly effective - a friend and his wife home educated their three children and the oldest is just off to a good uni.

    If you really are a libertarian, you don't need a vote. Why would you ask anybody else to manage your life for you?

  10. Tnank you all, with particular bitterness reserved for those on the other end of the school issue.

    I note that fees are rising 4x faster than inflation, so who knows what I will be paying when my brood are at secondary schools!

    Newmania - There are good state schools here; but they still don't compare at junior level, even though the grammars do later on.

    Sackerson My thoughts on teachers are guided by the sight of the NUt conference every year...

  11. I'm with Sackerson; short of moving to west Cambridge and sending them off to King's or St John's, then do it at home. You cannot imagine the irritation of fitting into the state schools with their timewasting days, weeks, months, so that you cannot be free to go away when you choose or even get up when you choose. Until they are eleven all you have to do is show them how to read and write and do simple calculation, and show them the world. Don't enrol your family into the state school electronic tagging system.

  12. Anonymous12:01 pm

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