Sunday 11 November 2007

Sunday Business Round Up 11 Nov

Mutley asked me to widen the number of sources I use for this round-up banner was the best I could do, a bit of a failure. Click through for the fantasy world that it describes....

Back in the business world, the tremors are still being felt and we can't yet see if there will be another huge earthquake:

Barclays' to bring forward trading statement - Perhaps there is nothing under the bonnet after all?

HSBC to admit worse to come - Allegedly there is more pain to come from HSBC, always the most honest of the British, indeed, global, banks.

Credit crunch good for savers - Not quite the returns people are used to though...?

Are Sunday Paper's doomed? - A good piece of research from the Guardian here.

China buys into Rio Story - Not Rio Ferdinand, but more sovereign fund investment in resources companies.

New bidder for the Rock - maybe, but no one is saying what to do about the hole in the books..

Branson on CGT - The man who walked with brown produces a knife for him after all.

EU to neuter Ofcom -More powers to Brussels away from our domestic regulator.

Irwin Stelzer - I nearly always disagree with Irwin, but good to see a counter-factual comment in The Times.

BA nears Iberia deal - This is one private equity deal that may still get done.


  1. There's another interesting one in the Observer, CU

    "Gordon Brown has launched a wide-ranging investigation into the security of Britain's food supply amid fears that the era of cheap prices is coming to an end ... in a world of changing weather patterns, increasing take-up of biofuel crops and a shifting world population"

    We had massive food-price increases as one of our stress-test scenarios - if Brown agrees, no doubt a 'working party' will be the result ...

  2. If the flooding of the fens were stopped it would help. Perhaps we could invite the Dutch back - they're defending their every square centimetre while Labour regime insouciance turns agricultural land into saltmarshes.

  3. ND - Could be one for a future post...whether we want it to be or not. Perhaps this will help me in my crusade with Mrs CU to spend a little less @ Waitrose.

    Ed - Not according to the daliy star!

    HG - I am glad that at least people seem to have gotten lucky inspite of NuLab's ineptitude.

  4. Anonymous9:35 am

    I couldn'tt make the Sunday Star link work... it just turned into a huge logo...

  5. HG - there's no money to spend on infrastructure because all the cash goes to the welfare system and top-flight public sector salaries.

  6. Anonymous11:52 am

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