Wednesday 21 November 2007

Who can save Brown & Darling; Only the English!

Northern Rock shares down another 13% today, the Bank of England is no doubt looking very closely at nationalisation as the only answer to guarantee its money back.

Meanwhile, having lost most of the population's bank details the Government is firefighting over calamity again...

And yesterday it was shown that the Government borrowing is likely to be back to £40 billion by the year end, before any effect of the slow down has even really been felt yet.

So the Scottish couple in at No10 and No11 Downing Street are left looking to a true English hero to take the heat off them...


  1. Nationalisation???Have you read the analysis on page 23 of today's FT?

  2. Anonymous4:11 pm

    A hero ? A footballer ? You're kidding right ?

  3. WW - See my analysis from last week!

    yes read the FT today too.

    Pascal - to those two, yes a hero for taking the heat off!

  4. so

    heat back on, then

  5. Memed you at Corporate Presenter.

  6. Anonymous11:28 pm

    The only man who played well was the beanpole. The English supporters were booing him until recently, showing their customary ignorance and stupidity.

  7. Anonymous9:34 am

    If jinxie McBroon was actually lurking somewhere under the stands, he must have been there in spirit by watching on the telly - which is just a bad. Time also for you all to give up on your admiration for diver Gerrard.

    So, who do we all support now in this competition? If by some miracle Croatia go on to win, the papers and pundits will say England did well actually and only got beaten by the eventual winners.

  8. Anonymous9:36 am

    ...oops ...was not actually lurking...

    Got me pinny strings in the way of the keyboard.

  9. Anonymous11:50 am

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