Thursday 27 December 2007

All good news

In the next few posts will be some reflections on last years predictions, predictions, some timely praise for commenters' here and sundry other posts.

However (
having myself been ill the whole of this week and now back at work), I saw this piece of cheery news and just wanted to share it with everyone. According to this rather, um, how to put it, limited? Piece of journalism all is now well with out pension funds. Those clever actuaries and company directors have turned what was a huge deficit into a nice surplus.

So we will all be paid after all.

This does, perhaps, rather skip over the biggest reason for this change. That is that by closing final salary schemes and pushing staff into much, much worse defined contribution schemes, the problem of retirement has magically gone away.

At the same time the government and its employees have voted to stay firmly with the rather more comfy final salary schemes.

It is a sad reflection at this time of year, of just how much the 'parents' of the 60's generation are prepared to screw their own children in order to finance their own lifestyles. You can be sure none of the actuaries or company directors are in defined contribution schemes.


  1. "It is a sad reflection at this time of year, of just how much the 'parents' of the 60's generation are prepared to screw their own children in order to finance their own lifestyles."

    Spot on, CU. This failure to nurture the next generation will have malign effects for a century or more. Professional tweenies with student loans, monster mortgages and the threat of poverty in retirement are likely to defer and limit their breeding, unlike their welfare-dependent contemporaries.

  2. "Professional tweenies with student loans, monster mortgages and the threat of poverty in retirement are likely to defer and limit their breeding, unlike their welfare-dependent contemporaries."

    This is probably a very good thing.

  3. There's a wonderful Dilbert cartoon where an evil consultant tells the CEO

    I can show you how to loot this place and escape ...

    it was clear to me that this demon had visited Andy Fastow at Enron: seems likely he paid McBroon a visit some time in the 1990's also

    (did you know the Labour Party had offices in the same building as Enron Europe 1994-1998? - and took donations from them also?)

    this new 'recieved wisdom' lies at the root of a great deal of modern behaviour

  4. I don't get this obsession with saving for pensions. What we should do is scrap all the tax reliefs for pension contributions and cut income tax by 5%, or scrap Employer's NI or any combination of the two.

    People who want to save the extra net income can save it (or even better, use it to pay off their mortgages), and at least the people who weren't going to save anyway have got more net income now.

    It's all social engineering, this pensions hoo-hah, and as we now, the unintended consequences always outweigh the intended ones.

  5. Anonymous11:42 am

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