Thursday 6 December 2007

market realities

only time for a short one from me today...

yesterday the markets were loving all bad news, because it was all adding up to the Bank of England cutting interest rates today.

The FTSE ended up well over 100 points (it helps that banks are closing their books for bonus' this week and next too; traders want nice margins for the year as a whole).

Today, RBS announces a lot less sub-prime pain than many had been expecting AND the Bank does cut rates.

...and the market falls (at time of writing, may need an update later!). The price of these events has already been taken into account and now the market makers are looking at all that long-term bad news that has come out this week with a different set of specs on.

these ones slightly less biased by the short-term news....


  1. On what date, and by what local time, are traders' bonuses calculated in the USA and UK?

  2. depends on the bank sackers...some pay jan and others feb bonus'.

  3. I meant the date the calculation is done - after what day and time can the trader say "it's in the bag, I don't much mind what happens now"?

  4. sorry, should have been clearer, the date that the year is done is dependent upon the bank's bonues period.

    Hence they are all slightly different, some are this week, some next..still gives you a clue.

    Reckon markets will be up friday now??...:o)

  5. Anonymous11:24 am

    It is interesting that the DJIA remains 10% up on last year. Considering that two big sectors of the US economy have taken a massive hit to share prices, that is quite an achievement. But you have to ask the question "is the market pricing in the risk of lower profits next year?". Surely not. Which means that we have a decoupling of reality to share prices. At some point profits must fall and this means P/E ratios will worsen - which should mean a dramatic fall in share prices to correct the P/E ratiors at some point. I give it 6 months for a major share price crash in the US that will naturally reverberate around the world.

    A lot of funds are obliged to invest in shares since the investors ticked the box telling them that is what they wanted a while back, now long since forgotten. So right now we are seeing a flight to quality, squeezing more of the investment capital available into fewer quality shares.

  6. CU:

    "Reckon markets will be up friday now??...:o)"

    Looks like it, thanks to the Bush plan to freeze adjustable-rate mortgages. I should have put on a bet with William Hill.

  7. Anonymous11:46 am

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