Sunday 2 December 2007

Sunday Business Round Up - Quick Shorts

Not much time this week for me to do my usual round up; instead a quick pointer to the five stories that should continue to make waves for the rest of the week in the business world:

On the Block - Rank was named last week in my round up and appears again. the speculators will work their magic and the bingo to casino brand will be gone in the near future.

Credit crisis to continue - Stating the obvious, but the Guardian finally picks up on the point that mortgages are going to have to rise for people in the next few months if the crunch is not ended; whatever the Bank of England may do.

RBS write-down - Continuing the theme, one of the UK major banks will finally come out with its write-down number. I wonder how much will be ABN's recently acquired problems....

End of the euro - We have mentioned the strong possibility of this before. If the Euro can get through its first real recession then it will no doubt be here to say. However, might the Forex traders get their victim in the end?

Commodity challenge
- Gas prices are set to rise, helping to push real inflation into the economy just when we don't need it. Hurry up and build those nuclear power plants and wind farms that you have been discussing for so long, Mr. Bean.

Back with a more in-depth round up next week. At least this will have reduced your risks of getting RSI!


  1. Maybe I'm being thick, but I have read articles about the spread in Eurozone interest rates fairly regularly over the past five years or so, and particularly when the currency was really weak. Is the break-up of the Euro any closer than it ever was?

  2. that is a long answer and one for a post in the near future.

  3. Anonymous11:47 am

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