Friday 25 January 2008

Olivant or Virgin for Northern Rock?

Ok, this week's poll results were as follows:

Friday 18th Jan
2 (6%)
Before the end of January
7 (24%)
Before the end of February
12 (41%)
Virgin take-over spectacular!
8 (27%)

Now we all know the Government changed the rules of the game so that although the debt is to be nationalised, it won't be paid for by the private sector.

This means that the final answer is the winner, well done everyone (it was my vote too!)

Now onto the next question - who will Brown choose out of Virgin Money and Olivant?

The whole brand regeneration story would suggest Virgin which has the advantage of being a real business too, albeit a little subscale.

Olivant has some heavyweight management; but is financial re-engineering the answer to Northern Wreck's issues? I personally think not and that Private Equity would have a hard time, except if it is just a scam to rob the government for a few years.

So my bet is with Virgin Money to come out on top by the end of February.

A lot of mandarins at the Bank of England must be sighing that they have had a close escape from having to manage in the with the real world..


  1. Anonymous5:02 pm

    It's a relatively simplistic view to take, but I think that Virgin will win because of the name and, most importantly, Branson

  2. Anonymous10:17 pm

    Virgin which has the advantage of being a real business too

    Virgin will not win because Branson wants to charge £10million a year for the brand and hand the business over to real professionals; he is a minor cog in the bid working only to get his cut for the brand name, and the brand name only. He personally brings nothing but that to table. Virgin and Branson are now tainted because of the publicity surrounding Brown and him in China, and also because it is a bad bid and how will it look in a year or, election time, when the crock still hasn't paid the/our loot back?

    Olivant may not win yet either.

    I think there could be a last minute stalking horse, or even a last minute change of heart to nationalise.

  3. Olivant or Virgin? Hmmm ... we just have to find out who has donated more to Nulab over the years and will do so in the future and there's your answer!

  4. Anonymous3:52 pm

    I have indicated I am willing to take it on and have put forward a bid of £1.27...surely I will get it?

  5. Anonymous5:51 pm

    Northern Rock Plc would have been better as a Building Society. The stock market has shareholders who deserve to lose money by bad management and choice of auditors, such as PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP who do not have a good track record. As Olivant did not bid then they were not really a serious player to begin with. Also Brian Pitman has a better record than Lucqman Arnold.

  6. Anonymous11:34 am

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