Wednesday 12 March 2008

Credit Crunched

As of yesterday the US Fed and Bank of England tried another round of liqiuidity bombing of the market in response to yet another contraction in lending. They have tried this before and it worked then, but the real issue is that the problems keep coming back and the banks remain unwilling to lend to one another.

The UK budget is out in a little while, but in the City some of our biggest banks are in real difficulties right now in terms of trying to get enough capital together to keep their business together.

The further fall in the UK mortgage market is also creating problems for the major banks that have the big mortgage portfolio's.

I wonder what news will come out of HBOS, RBS and Alliance & Leicester in the next few days, it is not business as usual that much is certain.

Budget update later.


  1. Anonymous12:16 pm

    They did not send me any of the 100 billion dollars or whatever it you think I should send them a nice letter?

  2. yes - they should be quite free with it at the moment.

    or go get married in Texas, they are offering happy couples a $10,000 bonus as long as you spend the money in Texas within a month of the big day

  3. Is the Fed following Darling's lead and nationalising mortgages?

  4. I think it's time that all the big banks had a beer and a sandwich in a smoke-filled room and emerged as subsidiaries to the only successful bank in the UK: Northern Rock.

  5. As to your/my $500 bn guesstimate of total subprime mortgage losses, that's been superseded by events.

    I shall pretend it was a typo and say "Oh no, I meant £500 bn".

  6. MW - yes, looking more like a $1 trillion now!

  7. This is not a credit crunch its a confidence crunch. Some of us realised a long time ago that the credit ratings were fiction, others pretended they were fact for their own advantage.

    Who can you trust now?

  8. Anonymous11:23 am

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