Friday 16 May 2008

Friday Joke is back

CU to return later...

When I take a long time, I am slow.
When my boss takes a long time, he is thorough.

When I don't do it, I am lazy.
When my boss doesn't do it, he's too busy.

When I do it without being told, I'm trying to be smart.
When my boss does the same, that is initiative.

When I please my boss, that's brown-nosing.
When my boss pleases his boss, that's co-operating.

When I do good, my boss never remembers.
When I do wrong, he never forgets.


  1. Anonymous4:28 pm

    Ho ho... we are all to deferential to bosses in this country..

  2. When I take a risk , that's reckless.
    When my boss takes a risk, that's boldness.

    When I succeed, that's teamwork.
    When the team succeeds, that's leadership.

    and finally..
    When the economy is strong, Its because of the chancellor.
    When the economy is weak, its the fault of short term Tory policies in the early 1980's,
    + George Bush, Global Warming, Non British Banks, Global influences, Non Doms, Non EU foreign immigrants, The screens going blank, Terminal 5 , God , Local issues , not getting the message across, the media , private schools , gas guzzling Chelsea tractors, greedy farmers ,Lord Levy, local action groups ,Those people always banging on about air travel, Iran, dangerous dogs, Osama Bin Laden, binge drinking, fossil fuels, Ken Livingstone, reality TV shows, bendy buses, The SDP, Israel, NASA, private healthcare, rural populations,North Korea, inner cities, new cars, plastic bags, Jean Charles de Menezes, Sky Sports News, Richard Branson, Cannabis, long term unemployed, Danish cartoons, housing associations, bird flu, fizzy drinks, Alistair Darling, foot and mouth, landfill sites, Anything done between 1979-1997, earthquakes, cyclones, flooding, lilly allen, Archbishop of Canterbury, George Osbourne, anyone using a tumble dryer on a sunny day, preachers of hatred, consumers, Mortgage lenders, TV phone ins, Grand Theft Auto IV, Manchester united, the Euro, fathers for justice, Cherie Blair, Polonium 210, soldiers in uniform , the lack of a take up in tax credits, a wake up call, Burma, blue tounge diease, bin taxes, that bloke in the canoe, Mugabe, police on the beat, faith schools, chips and pizza, oil tankers, Ant and Dec and anything else that isn't in any way connected to the government or the prime minister.

  3. Anonymous4:15 am

    Bill, that about covers it, but you missed crooked (bent??!) MPs, dodgy dossiers and pesky bloggers.

  4. I may have missed it Bill Q, but the odious Ed Balls is all of these...

  5. And when your boss finds out that you spend all day blogging...?

  6. Anonymous1:55 pm

    I work at a measured pace,
    I prioritise skilfully,
    I jump to, as the occasion demands,
    I befriend readily,
    And when I'm promoted, I'll sack the bastard.

  7. Let us hope that day never comes MW!

  8. Anonymous5:11 pm

    Thanks to the blog owner. What a blog! nice idea.

  9. Anonymous11:08 am

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