Thursday 22 May 2008

Man U win Champions League, again (and again)

Many people watched the match last night and the office today is full of token fans of both teams who are happy or sad at the result.

What really matters though to the clubs is the money brought in. Man United is £660 million in debt and needed the £30 million from the Champions League win to help bolster the coffers further. In addition, entry to the World Club championship and European Super-Cup are also good money spinners. Last year Man United turnover was £210 million so winning this competition should boost revenues by at least 10% and perhaps as much as 25% when you add in all the other benefits. With debt repayments at £62 million a year, they should even have some money left over to invest in the team for next year.

Chelsea won't have made quite so much from this adventure, nonetheless it will add to the club's turnover and goal of trying to break even. Although how much this matters depends on the attitude of billionaire owner Roman Abramovich. Losing £100 million a year is about standard for them these past few years.

Alll this must make interesting reading for you Stoke fans out there. Recently promoted to the Premier League to take on in football combat the above two clubs. Their last company house results for May last year had them posting a turnover of £7.9 million and a £3 million loss. No doubt the £30 million boost from the Premier League is really going to help; but reality suggests their whole club would struggle to hire and pay the Man U captain, Rio Ferdinand.

I look forward to watching their efforts to compete with Man United next season. Any takers on them finishing above Man United in the league?


  1. Any idea what the gates are at Stoke?

    I would think that without a 22,000+ home games crowd or a wealthy benefactor any team in the premiership will really struggle.

    What % comes from gate recipts CU?

    time for a premiership finace review I think.

    Unofficial Average Attendance: 2007/2008 - 36,076

    Blackburn 23,943
    Fulham 23,774
    Reading 23,585
    Bolton 20,901
    Portsmouth 19,914
    Wigan 19,046

    Sunderland on 43,344 may help to explain their escape from relegation.

    And Derby.. the exception that proves the rule. 32,432

    ESPN figures.

  2. My Fulham fan friend tells me that because the gate receipts are so tiny in comparison to Sky money that small clubs can afford to charge very little for tickets and therefore keep the crowd sizes up. The Uniteds and the Chelseas presumably don't need to worry about that so can charge what they like.

  3. 25% is average for match day receipts.

    Non-revenue, i.e. the transfer fees Fayed, Abramovich etc also just couh up are very important too!

  4. Anonymous11:07 am

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