Monday 2 June 2008

Changes to portfolio

Some small alterations to the CU portfolio on the side of the blog; after a few changes recently, booked good 20% gain on BP and sold on the news that they may lose their TNK Stake. Good long-term play though and I will no doubt buy in again after the price drop.

Also so oil and gold ETF's with not much gain overall (bought late in the cycle) and have replaced with a short gold for the moment; bit of a punt that on hunch that the dollar will strengthen further in the next month or so on the back of less dreadful US economic news and worse news elsewhere.....

Also re-invested BP funds into more Latin America funds and British Airways, right on the bounce from Silverjet failing - what a lucky break. Still I think oil will pull back a little in the near future and BA is bouncing along at very low price.

Still stuck with RBS and buying into the rights issue which ruins much (but not all) of the good stuff above!


  1. I've been eyeing BP too, but I've started having thoughts about taking out a smallish but well financed short on the likes of Tullow and Cairn. These bubbles will surely have to burst sooner or later. Perhaps a pairs trade on them, I dunno.

    At the moment my 'portfolio' consists entirely of a short on sterling thats just over $200 up as we speak. I hope you're right about the dollar.

    I managed to ditch Barclays when it was £25 up one morning (thank God) and had an utterley spineless moment the other day when I chickened out of my short on gold about $250 up.

  2. Anonymous10:49 pm

    Keep us updated CU - I've been dabbling with fake money for about a year now and am getting relatively interested in this topic (even though I read the insider trading etc link).

    I have a totally lopsided portfolio (it contains entirely financials) but that is down to me getting most of my information from daily FT emails and alphaville. I don't really see much point in playing with stocks I know nothing about. Plus, up to date and accurate information is everything, as M&B and many of the world's banks have proved.

  3. Anonymous11:03 am

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