Tuesday 24 June 2008

Fancy a London Property

News in today suggest rents on London office space will fall another 20% this year; worse news for owners (errm...usual suspects, banks, pension funds etc) is that 650, 000 square metres of new property is being built over the next 3 years.

Tomorrow the real lay-offs begin at Citigroup UK, with Goldmans having already started the ball rolling by clearing out its M&A and fixed income groups. So even more space will become available.

Still for those looking to get on the housing ladder, it may be that office space could drop far enough to compete with housing rents (albeit in Chelsea...); maybe Alice could finally afford the upgrade.

These good news stories just keep coming and coming.....


  1. I always fancied NO 1 London Bridge.
    anyone knows who owns it ?

  2. Anonymous6:32 pm

    In my relatively small town building has just ceased on two half built housing estates, and an old peoples (am I allowed to say this anymore?) retirement complex has been abandonned after the laying of the foundations.

    Maybe the developments you quote as being in the pipeline will also prove to be pipe dreams.

  3. BQ - PWC rent it, not sure who owns the freehold.

    John East - Quite likely a lot of building will be stopped. City land is worth nothing without building though - once the cost of acquiring the land is factored in the building work is just a small percentage. Work may slow down, but much will still get built.

  4. Sadly, for those of us who already own a property, falling prices are a bit of a shocker!

  5. Looks like you are right about the slowing CU.
    My building contacts tell me that they are running 1/3 manpower on projects at the moment as there is no rush to get them built as the chances of selling the whole plot is near zero.

  6. Anonymous10:57 am

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