Tuesday 1 July 2008

The bear is a comin'

As said before the City "Sells in May and goes away." last year proved this to be not entirely true, as the credit crunch kicked off in the middle of July and proceeded to ruin the summer in Mustique as all the tennis pairings were ruined (and some other minor effects too, allegedly).

however one year on the the financial scene is a mess. high inflation, a real oil shock, poor producivity, a rapidly collapsing mortgage market, massive government debt spending have all combined to hit the world and induce recessionary concessions and a real fall in living standards.

Despite all of the the FTSE held up quite well all things considered:

Even as late as May this year the rallies had held the losses to about 300 points in total. A losing year but not too bad. However, the bad news comes now. The FTSE fell 150 points today and is approaching two and a half year lows. the bear is settling in, this amateur graph clealry shows the dead cat bouncing.

Even now analysts are predicting the year to end up at about 6300; that seems a long way from here with the difficult months of September and October still to come. Not the time to be buying shares for the faint-hearted - my portfolio is sold out of the FTSE more or less now and into funds and commodities for the moment. This poor run has though reduced me to just 3% growth June to June, down from 20% gains at Christmas time.

Clearly I should work for a hedge fund.....


  1. I had a wild guess last Thursday and reckon the moneybagses(alas, not including me - yet) might wait for a buying opportunity around 5,000.

  2. I think 5000 is optimistic if the economic news stays this bad.

    Israel attacking Iran is a huge external risk to the markets as well.

  3. Buy gold or flatscreen tellies!

  4. It does look bad, that graph tells a big story.

    Having said that, not every country is faced by the same debt levels as the UK. I don't hear about other government panicking in the same way that ours is.

  5. Anonymous10:56 am

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