Friday 11 July 2008

Not just trading figures...these are M and S trading figures

"Marks & Spencer recently highlighted the challenging high street conditions when it reported a shock 5.3% fall in UK like-for-like sales in the 13 weeks to June 28 - its worst quarter since April to June 2005."

Not that much of a shock. Similar very poor weather to last year, lack of easy credit, falling house prices and the gloomy economic news have hammered consumer confidence. The 'luxury' sector is always hit first. It can be good news for the discount retailers as customers flee the higher priced chains and look for something a little cheaper and someone should be reaping the benefit.

"Freddie George, a retail analyst at Seymour Pierce stockbrokers, said Primark saw flat like-for-like sales in the past 16 weeks."

The Primark figures ones are the ones to watch. Primark figures are good enough for now when just meeting last years figures is a struggle, but not for keeping the economy growing. Retailers can't absorb level figures for long. Staff costs rise with the minimum wage and the increased holiday allowances recently bought in. Rents reviews are upwards only and can be huge. Most suppliers are having to increase their prices due to transport costs, wage inflation and materials costs. Retailers cannot just pass these costs onto consumers due to falling sales, competition and the need to actually reduce prices to entice people in.

If Primark figures begin to wobble then the recession would really be beginning to bite.

We shall be watching closely.


  1. This is not just any recession, this is an M&S recession...

  2. Anonymous5:51 pm

    Things are looking nasty for the DOW. I predicted a stockmarket crash for July, and its looking highly plausible now

  3. Anonymous10:54 am

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