Monday 21 July 2008

Signs of Stagflation ?

Shop prices in the furniture and flooring sector increased 2.3 per cent month on month in June.
Not a big rise to be sure, with CPI at 4% but this is the Furniture sector. The retail sector facing the biggest slowdown due to the slowdown in the housing market.
Mortgage approvals slumped from 58,000 in April to 42,000 in May, a 64 per cent decrease year-on-year. House sales are down 40 per cent year on year.

The problem is furniture, flooring and DIY should be bucking the inflation trend as they slash prices to stimulate sales. They can't because of
rising costs, from wage inflation in the Far East, the rising cost of raw materials and freight costs, which are closely linked to the steeply rising price of oil.

Overall retail prices are staying down quite well, but as we reported before many retailers are selling last years summer stock. The summer sales have some genuine bargains in them.
But once the autumn stock arrives in around 4 weeks time, then retail price inflation overall may begin to rise.

If a retail slowdown occurs then the home economy begins to sink.
I'm with CU on interest rates. Food, Oil and Power costs are creating inflation.
Consumers have to pay those bills, they can't be avoided. That takes disposable income out of the economy. Cutting rates will put some of the money being taken out back into peoples pockets.


  1. Having a committee of political appointees try to influence interest rates is a recipe for disaster. The BoE base rate as a concept should be scrapped. It is The People's Bank and should act like any other bank - i.e. pay as little as possible and charge as much as possible.

    Or would anybody seriously suggest bringing back a dollar or Euro peg for sterling? No? So why try to peg interest rates?

    Ergo, whatever you or I or anybody else thinks about cutting or increasing the BoE rate, it is bound to be wrong.

  2. Anonymous7:07 pm

    Our local Co-op is selling packs of 5 Mars Bars for 99p, which seems an enormous bargain. Unfortunately I'm too old and fat to eat a whole Mars bar. But I have a KNIFE.

  3. I am waiting for the price of a coffee at the cafe near my office to go up - as soon as it does I know we are dooooooooooomed.

    I have already cut my non-essential spending right back and am shovelling any spare pennies to my savings account.

  4. Anonymous10:51 am

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