Monday 28 July 2008

So who is in charge? Fisking the UK Treasury team

With Brown on holiday we are left in the bosom of Harriet Harman to see us through the new disasters that befall our country.

In economic terms though the worst may yet be to come. Another leg of the credit crunch would finish off HBOS or another major bank. Ramapant inflation may yet break out further and there likely to be a run on the pound as the Government loses control of the public finance.

So who is there to save us, who can be our Dark Crusader?

We already know about the all-round uselessness of Badger Darling...but what of his supporting cast? I present the treasury ministers and their cv's -

Yvette Cooper, Chief Secretary - Queen of Trophing & Mrs. Ed Balls, Harvard and LSE so a good background. Then a journalist for a short time before becoming a full time wonk. No real career experience in the private sector at a management level.

A good wonk cv and excellent academics, but no experience of business- One of these in team would be excellent...

Jane Kennedy, Financial Secretary - 8 years of Government experience, never worked in private sector, ex-councillor, care assistant and Union rep.

You couldn't make it up! Utterly unqualified to fufuill this role - imagine if she had to apply and interview for the job...

Angela Eagle, Exchequer Secretary - Oxford educated in PPE, only ever 'worked' for Unions and the Labour Party.

Ok another Blair babe wonk - still no real work experience.

Kitty Usher, Economic Secretary - Oxford Educated in PPE, only ever worked as a councillor and policy adviser.

This is repetitive now is it not? I fear for the group think there must be when they get together! Lots of time to argue the toss with civil servant too...

Liam Byrne (part-time), Revenue Protection - Harvard as a Fulbright scholar, Andersen Consulting, NM Rothschilds. Author of numerous policy papers as a member of Social Market foundation.

Wow, a man with a career in business and politics. Shame he is the most junior and only a part-timer at the treasury.

Gordon is being urged to do a re-shuffle. The lot above are in desperate of a refresh. No experience of business let alone in a downturn. No doubt all very keen the minutiae of tax law which is all very well but not what is called for right now. It says alot about our economic situation that it is in the hands of people who have never really worked int he private sector.


  1. Angela Eagle = Blair babe?

    Crikey, what are you on? She looks like Martina Navratilova after six weeks of hunger strike and dirty protest. And that's being kind to Angela Eagle.

  2. An old one from Private Eye but still good. Richard Bacon MP and the MOD's Trevor Woolley.

    Bacon. “Mr Wooley are you a chartered accountant?”

    Woolley “I am not”

    Bacon “Are you a qualified financial person of any kind? Do you have any financial qualifications?”

    Woolley “I do not have any financial qualifications?”

    Bacon “What is your job?”

    Wooley “I am the financial director of the Ministry of Defence”

    says it all.

  3. And most of them utterly loathsome, too. So no saving graces whatsoever.

    And I've always been entertained by the performances (advisedly!) of Bacon and Edward Leigh. They do like a bit of drama now and again - and they do it pretty well. That said, I'm grateful that at least some are prepared to get stuck in.

  4. They have our best interests at heart and that is good enough for me. All I need to know is that they are getting on with the job and that I need not worry my little head about these things.

  5. which brings us, unfortunately, to the boy Osborne ...

  6. we should do them in a next installment ND...

  7. Anonymous4:03 pm

    I wonder how many generations back you'd have to go in some of these people's family history to find someone who worked in the market sector. The chance that they imbibed some economic reality through their upbringing is, I suspect, nil. They almost always imbibe none through their own careers. Pathetic, really.

  8. Long way from Keynes, Balogh and Kaldor, Godley, Burns, .... scary if we weren't already scared stiff anyway. Well, I am. A first degree in PPE, wow.

  9. Anonymous5:25 pm

    I had to look up PPE. I take it you don't mean Personal Protective Equipment.

    This is a degree that should automatically exclude the holder from standing for any sort of elected office as should be the case with lawyers.

  10. So this is the team working under the greatest 'political economy' brain of modern times to see the country throough its present difficulties which are, natch, not of the Treasury's making. Bloody terrifying.

  11. Anonymous2:15 pm

    It is possible to take the PPE degree at Oxford with as little as one term of Economics.

  12. Dearime - I doubt many have even relatives who work in the private sector. Would not be seemly now would it?

    I love your point re PPE; very enlightening. The E must be hard with no science background for quants analysis. Certainly my MBA was hard on that front for me.

    Tim H - with you there sir, no laywers and no PPE - there is a real test that would sort out the Commons. Quite Agree!

  13. Anonymous10:50 am

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  14. Is there a Chinese translation option on blogger?
