Friday 29 August 2008

Crushing Brown's Re-Launch: All Eyes on Osborne

Here at C@W we have long expressed our reservations about the Boy Osborne, notwithstanding his significant tactical triumph at last year’s Party Conference. Now he has the chance to prove himself, one way or the other.

It is no secret that McBroon is pinning his entire political survival on yet another re-launch: only this time it has been many weeks in the planning and can be expected to be a major offensive on several fronts, deployed with all the tools and tricks at NuLab’s disposal – not a matter for levity. As set-piece battles go, this one has the potential to be a decisive encounter. For the Tories, the re-launch must be crushed.

A basic military precept is that, whilst strategic surprise is an extreme rarity, by careful planning one can achieve tactical surprise. Two familiar examples are the Normandy Landings, and the ground-attack phase of Desert Storm. NuLab’s recent performances have been pathetic, but for one last throw of the dice, who knows ?

The initiative lies broadly with the red forces on this occasion - although the blues could usefully snipe in the interim. What the Tories must ensure is that this campaign becomes Brown’s Kursk peninsular – a clear ‘beginning-of-the-end’ engagement where the defending Russians comprehensively trounced the German attackers by astute preparation for the anticipated assault: after which Brown can do nothing but fall back and back until he is left only with the metaphorical pistol-in-the-bunker option.

The entire Conservative hierarchy have critical rôles to play in this: but it falls to Osborne to show us he is true Chancellor material. What have you got, George ? We’re watching, and there’s a lot at stake.



  1. Mmmmmm... Gordon Brown in a bunker with a pistol... Thank you; that image will keep me smiling for the whole weekend.

  2. ND:
    This one will go like the Battle of the Bulge in 1944.

    Brown gets to strike first, with the limited objectives of destabilising his opponents, hitting them with a surprise raft of policies and announcements and a sneaky tax cut that grabs headlines.
    The longer term goal of retaking the political initiative and holding it is really just fantasy.

    But with this powerful thrust of carefully amassed resources to punch through the lines of overconfident Tories Labour can certainly cause some panic.
    Brown hopes to push deep enough to recapture Glenrothes and with interest rates possibly being cut at exactly the moment he tells Mr King to do it [2 days before conference?] He might just cause a lot of damage and confusion.

    But as with the real operation 'Wacht am Rhein' fuel will be the critical issue over the winter.

  3. Mr Q - your analogy is an excellent one in many aspects (which might then cause us to identify last September as his Kursk)

    however, it falls down in one respect: the Bulge thrust wasn't telegraphed in advance

    that's the aspect I feel is 'salient' (sorry!) just now

  4. Alistair Darling has said tonight the Government is useless and the economy shot to bits.

    Perhaps the re-launch will be delayed to a post-reshuffle moment.

  5. Anonymous11:59 pm

    re, Darling.....

    he is hiding something.

  6. Osborne would also do well to remember the effectiveness of Schwerpunkt and Guderian's dictum “Nicht kleckern, klotzen!”

    Of course Osborne needs command of the air(waves) to be able to achieve a level of destruction like the Falaise pocket - we need to keep shooting their pilots down faster than they can produce them

    And logistics are critical. Brown's supply lines are extended, his party's fuel supplies are all but exhausted and some are falling into our hands. Our fuel supplies are plentiful enough to fund a decent klotzen.

  7. Mr R - I tend to reckon that lines of logistics are very short in politics: remarkable maneouvres can be performed on a sixpence - and indeed, for a sixpence

    a clever politician (particularly with the tools of government in hand) should be able to amaze and wrong-foot an opponent, and change the whole climate, inside half a day. Look at the Tory IHT announcement: how much resources did that require ?

    McCain has just tried to do this with his VP nomination, (though this one looks like a mistake to me)

    even Saddam was quite good at it - I shall never forget the surprise when he moved his entire airforce to Iran overnight in 1991

  8. Anonymous10:38 am

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