Tuesday 2 September 2008

Abu Dhabi United Group

English politics embraced a new superpower last night as the near bankrupt Labour Party look to become the richest political party in the world.

In a surprise move the Abu Bharmy United Group for Political Redevelopment and Regeneration (A-BUG),has bought the near bankrupt Labour Party for £250 pounds.

Labour wasted no time flexing their newfound financial muscle to outbid the United Nations to bring Hillary Clinton to Westminster with a British record offer of £134.2 million to sign Clinton. Hillary has signed a £150,000 p/week two year deal, possibly extended to four years depending on results. Labour supporters were ecstatic at the news, cheering outside 10 Downing Street.

Having sparked a remarkable tug-of-war with the Conservatives for Barak Obama after lodging a late £532.5 million bid for the American hopeful, Labour switched their attentions to Hillary Clinton when it became clear that Obama intended to stay in the USA.

But outgoing Labour Leader Gordon Brown was less upbeat than his parliamentary colleagues.

"So they have bought one high profile politician. That won't win them the election. Look at the rest of the Front bench. Barely capable of being on a Parish Council, never mind the Premiership."

New leader Hillary Clinton announced plans to bring in several top quality popular politicians to help turn the ailing Labour Party, currently 25 points behind the leaders, into a challenging force. It is expected husband Bill Clinton will join her shortly, and there is even talk of signing former favourite Tony Blair from the EU.

"You can't achieve success and popularity by throwing money about. I've proved that beyond all doubt" said Gordon Brown as he cleared his desk.

(In other news Andy Burnham moves to the Social Democratic party of Slovenia on a year long loan)


  1. Anonymous11:54 am

    Nice one, BQ.

  2. We all know the red team is past its peak, but does that mean the blue team are game on?

  3. why arent there any other teams?

  4. I do hope the creditors to the Labour party were paid in full. Hate to think of the unions losing out!

  5. Anonymous2:23 pm

    Stephen Carter released on a free transfer?

  6. Roym - because people are glory hunters and only support teams they think can win it.

  7. roym said...why arent there any other teams?

    Well, Newcastle Utd are trying to be the Lib Dems.

    Massive, unconditional bedrock support in the local heartlands, disinterest, or derision everywhere else. Never get anywhere near to winning the Premiership and like to change their leaders at least once every season.

  8. I like the poster and it can be recycled for the our next GE - just change the Hilary 08 to LibDems.

    "n a surprise move the Abu Bharmy United Group for Political Redevelopment and Regeneration (A-BUG),has bought the near bankrupt Labour Party for £250 pounds."

    Shouldn't that be A-BUGaR?

  9. Anonymous10:37 am

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