Monday 8 September 2008

LSE fails on day of joy

The London Stock Exchange, fresh from a year of ups and downs, has really managed to blow both its feet off with a shotgun today. Just as the market is reacting to the news from the US, its systems fail under the volumes. Even now, 7 hours after the failure, there is only auction trading and no completions.

The recent new entrant competitors such as turquoise and Chi-X are bouncing around at this gift from heaven. The events overall are not really going to help LSE maintain market share in trading.

However, a key point must be a focus on technology. The LSE has taken a very public route of using Microsoft as its key technology supplier; the same company that is known for its good products that have a problem with scalability and reliability. Nearly all Investment houses use Oracle as their base software provider for reliable, scalable solutions and IBM features highly too.

In IT as in the rest of life, stereotypes exist for a reason; they are based on fact.


  1. When the computers go down here (quite regularly) we pretend to be miffed about the work we could be doing and kick back with a cup of tea or three while we "switch off and switch on again"... Have the LSE tried this well-known cure-all?

  2. Our systems take 25 minutes to come back on once they go down. Perfect tea break time.

  3. Anonymous6:42 pm

    you're kidding me right? they use microsoft??? you'll be telling me that they use V24 modems to connect their terminals next.

  4. You are too keen to blame the choice of Microsoft technology.

    I suspect this is another example of what overseas outsourcing and the use migrant monkeys bring to the country.

    Expect more of this to happen.

  5. Anonymous9:22 pm

    Oh, so a real technical problem. Not an excuse to close the exchange in the wake of Fannie & Freddie news

  6. Hairy arsed, there is more to this than I can reveal without libel sadly....

  7. "In IT as in the rest of life, stereotypes exist for a reason; they are based on fact."

    No really?

    You should hear why they chose Microsoft as their partner...

  8. Anonymous10:57 am


    I used to work on the settlement systems at the LSE and I know what you are talking about....

  9. Wolfie, Anon - Yep, know it, no written proof to blog it though....

  10. Anonymous10:34 am

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