Tuesday 21 October 2008

Debenham's shows the outlook for retail

Debenham's gave a retail update this morning, its sales are down 0.9% although it says it is gaining market share (its competitors are M&S, Next and John Lewis). Its debt burden, built by the financial wizardy of Private Equity ownership, is £994 million, down nearly £200 million from last year. The current management team are up for a near £50 million windfall between them from the re-float of the company after the Private Equity ownership.

But to do this it has had to cut its dividend to 0.5 pence per share (still not too bad with the shares now at 33p, less useful if you had bought them when it floated at £2 a share).

The story here though is of a company is pure stasis. It has too much debt to invest in any new products, stores or technology and it faces a tough consumer market in a receession. Yet good management may see it through, but this won't be the driver of the UK's way out of a recession.

It is a fragile company despite its size and history and as such it reflects much of the UK retail market. The share prices of this industry are under-pressure and it looks like it will stay that way with results like this.


  1. Anonymous9:21 am

    I foresee Philip Green having some problems...

  2. Anonymous9:32 am

    I've often thought that many of our retailers weren't particularly good - in terms of what they offer, the store experience, the customer service experience, pricing... I try to avoid Debenhams these days, which has felt like a low-rent department store for years already... Where is the UK equivalent of Nordstrom in the USA? Even Sears?
    And we have Woolworths... Argos... House of Fraser stores have felt stuck in a timewarp for about 10-20 years...
    There are better shops in France even - Galleries Lafayette, for example. You feel like you're in for a shopping experience and not brushing dust off the shelves which your grandparents left there.
    What are the success stories? Top Shop? Primark? Where is the quality?

    Anyhow - I guess what I'm saying is that if UK stores start to struggle, it's because they were only being held aloft by a high tide which helped everyone.

  3. Houdini - yep same fall in sales there for mr Green.

  4. Sammy - People get what they deserve. The Uk retail market is full of people wanting lots of cheap goods, less keen on the quality. It is also mainly aimed at young women/girls with disposable income to spend in the shops. So the retail experience on offer has been designed to match

    Hence topshop, primark etc. I think the market has done well to follow the wishes of its customers.

    Debs is very much the mid-range leader, hence your comments about low rent etc being broadly right in comparison to John Lewis etc.

  5. Anonymous12:27 pm

    yeah, well I agree that cheap'n'nasty shops serve *their* customers - I'm not anti-market - but there are plenty of us who are not served by the market, who are happy for an excuse not to spend money and to use internet retailers because shopping environments are horrible in this country...

    I guess what provoked this is, you mentioned at end of post that Debs will have no money to spend on stores, technology etc. - my point is that they didn't do anything to attract customers even before they were leveraged to the hilt!
    Even during the good times, shops in England have been shabby. Town centres are shabby in most towns places (I've done a lot of travelling around country last couple of years). This is despite a retail and spending boom.

  6. House of Fraser stores have felt stuck in a timewarp for about 10-20 years... Sammy? Bit harsh.
    Flagship anchor stores in every shopping centre they are in.

  7. Sammy - well, look at what ASOS is doing to the fashion market. You are quite correct.

    I feel some of this is driven by our historically high rents though. more money spent on acquiring and owning property, less to spend on fit out etc.

  8. Anonymous7:11 pm

    The rents issue is a good observation CU. A friend of mine owned his premises in Chester, up on the rows, and they were and had been for decades one of the most exclusive ladies outfitters in the UK. The rates killed them and they shrunk and shrunk until the disappeared.

    Same for almost everywhere else. The likes of Philip Green, now whining about the banks, have stripped the real quality from stores and are part of the problem.

    But that is progress where the chav in their millions with massive tax credit money, as opposed to the middle class in their thousands taxed to the hilt, make the agenda.

    M&S will ultimately survive though and have shown that quality, broadly, will survive as a unique selling point.

  9. Houdini - I am not so sure about M&S, they have made some big mistakes recently and their food offering has been shown to be un-recession proof!

  10. Anonymous10:17 am

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