Monday 27 October 2008

Economics the Guardian Way

Ashley Seagar, 'economics correspondent' of the Grauniad, has some uplifting thoughts about Feed-in Tariffs, the compulsory payments given to uneconomic types of power generation in countries such as Germany and, he hopes, soon in the UK:

"FITs work by paying an above-market rate for renewable electricity ... FITs are not subsidies but work to boost markets ... the FIT costs the average German family € 20 a year in dearer electricity"

Ah, that sort of non-subsidy.
Thank you, Ashley, we get the picture. And I think we can guess which 'market' they boost.



  1. Anonymous3:29 pm

    I have a friend in France who is very proud of the solar panels fitted to his roof. He said they cost 20,000 euros but he'll recoup the cost within 10 years due to the subsidies which went toward their installation and the the inflated price EDF have to buy his solar power at for the next 20 years (he has a 20 year contract apparently). I hadn't understood at the time whether the extra money he was receiving was coming from EDF, the French gov't (although it is also behind EDF, so it's the same thing), or the EU.

  2. The price that consumers pay for electricity is already a complex jungle of obligations, subsidies and bizarre incentives. Do we need more complexity?

  3. And he's calling hiself econmics correspondent!!

    I read that industries in France are covering their factories with PV, because it is very profitable thanks to the FITs...

    But the scary thing is that people think it is a good thing, because they do not realize that they are the ones paying for it through higher prices.

    Brain washing has been such that people do not make a link between government money and their own!

    Never underestimate the gullibility and ignorance of the general public.

  4. sammy, monoi - it'll be EDF in the first instance, with the French tariff / taxpayer standing behind that, and then ... well, EDF exports huge quantities of electricity, so that spreads the burden quite widely

    but no cyncism please, monoi !

    BE - as with general taxation, it creates an entire industry for rules-jockeys: (biofuels are the worst) - is that an honest day's work ? or are we just dreamers ?

  5. Seager may have a good point in suggesting Renewable Obligation (RO) tend to support large windfarm schemes, wheras the simpler FIT support smaller independent schemes (eg setup by individual farmers, factories, or small co-ops). That seems to be a plus to me, diversifying and reducing big generator company power.

  6. Anonymous10:15 am

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