Wednesday 1 October 2008

The most experienced man for the job is Gordon Brown.

As long expected elements of the media are moving from kicking to backing Brown.
The message that Gordon is finished is being replaced with, man of stature, best man for the job, economic experience and great leader.

Its not possible to sell papers and make programs without changing the message. The economic crisis gives an easy message that Gordon Brown is the right man for right now. His own speech on that very subject is very fresh in everyone's mind. The battle of experience against inexperience.Back your leader in a crisis.

I think Mr Major tried the same tactic against Mr Blair and it failed spectacularly.
Certainly the Tories have to modify their attacks, rethink policies but in the end this very 'experience' will mark the end of this Labour government. Because Prime Minister Brown in a wonderful irony has inherited the problems he created himself.
On debt, on wars, on crime,on spending,on pensions,on taxes, on waste,on golden rules, on CPI/RPI,on transport policy, on education, on regulation... on.... everything!

So once the crisis point passes and calmer days appear, the discussion of the Blair/Brown years will burst like bright sunshine through the gloomy financial storm clouds, leaving Gordon Brown with very little shadow to hide in and very exposed to the long lists of government failures that were largely of his own making.


  1. Brown must be held accountable for his major part at the very core of the problem. This evil regime has utilised the perceived wealth effect to manipulate the populous into supporting them for so long. Yes, there have been failures by the management of financial institutions, regulators and the weak minded people who have took on extensive debts. However, they are merely players; Brown is the author of our problems in the UK. The same charges can be brought against Bush in the US.

  2. I agree. The Tories need to continue their mantra of change and how they would do things better.
    A little later, once the nervousness dies down, they can return to pointing out the governments failures and explaining how it could be better.

  3. This has been brought to my attention.
    NY Times: Fannie Mae Eases Credit To Aid Mortgage Lending (Sep 1999)

    "Fannie Mae, the nation's biggest underwriter of home mortgages, has been under increasing pressure from the Clinton Administration to expand mortgage loans among low and moderate income people and felt pressure from stock holders to maintain its phenomenal growth in profits. "

  4. The Natural Law party said it would have the most experienced people running the country. Economists running the Exchequer, teachers running the schools, doctors running the NHS, etc. When they came to my school my brother asked "who will be Prime Minister, as only Thatcher or Major have any recent experience?"...

  5. Anonymous10:25 am

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