Thursday 9 October 2008

A real game of RISK!

I certainly enjoyed the odd game of Risk with my brothers when growing up. We all cheated so much it was hard to tell who had really won.

However today, we have a real game Risk taking place. Economic warfare is taking place across the world and there are some major causalities.

First we have Iceland, bankrupt and cap in hand to the Russians to try and keep going. Their assets seemingly confiscated in the UK to ensure our savers don't lose.

Next we have Pakistan, the rupee humbled and again the country brought the the point of default.

Who will be next? In most emerging economies, so long thought of as the new brave world, reality is coming home to bite. China may enter into a recession, Indonesia is again in trouble, Thailand is in both a political and economic mess. Even top performer Brazil has seen huge falls in its market and credit ratings. Russia has been forced to effectively close its markets (so much for my investor acumen...) for the past few weeks and they remain shut until 10th October.

But, for the comments, who is next? Will be it an emerging economy or will be it a more established Western one?

Who can name the dominoes?


  1. Anonymous12:07 am

    To find your own answer, ask yourself a simple question...just how much can Brown borrow before we are truly fucked up?

    I hope not, but I can see it being us as Brown borrows more and more to shore up his spending commitments and retain his grip on power, that everyone seems to have forgotten.

  2. Anonymous12:12 am

    Could depend on CDS machinations in next 2 days, or Oct. 23rd

  3. Anonymous1:07 am

    Which countries will break up? Belgium? The UK? China?

  4. Interesting post.
    I think we are having a reshuffle, not just of world economics , but also a new lifestyle for all of us.


  5. I really don't know who the next domino will be, but I just found this comment on the Telegraph website:

    "All the kings horses and all the kings men will not putting humpty dumpty back together again."

    I thought it seemed apt.

  6. Anonymous7:21 am

    The mistake, steven, is letting the horses try first.

  7. Anonymous8:12 am


  8. If I remember Risk rightly, Europe was always the most difficult to hold onto...

  9. Let's play Twister, let's play Risk

    Yeah yeah yeah yeah

  10. It's the end of the world as we know it

  11. If I remember Risk rightly, Europe was always the most difficult to hold onto...

    Yes it was never worth the effort expended to keep Europe unified. The USA was far easier for the same reward.

  12. Anonymous10:11 am

    The mistake, dearieme , is letting anything/anyone related to Royalty try first.

  13. Houdini - not much more...

    Anon - agree, events will be more clear at the end of this month.

    Dearime - UK, i think the Scots will see new value in the Union with the demise of the Edinburgh banks, perhaps they can look at iceland to see what could have happened to them.

    Passer by - kent! You must know something I don't....

    BQ/Lillith - I agree, also ASIA was always way to much effort. I think there will be some problems here in the forseeable and yet South America also appears vulnerable. All extraction economies are going to really feel it....

  14. Anonymous5:19 pm

    If not Kent - then how about Ireland? On the grounds its only one letter away from Iceland...

  15. Mutley- Ireland is fast following iceland, just one step behind...

  16. Anonymous12:48 pm

    Hmm,Pakistan is on the brink of collapse is it?

    Obviously, I'm only going by the IMF figures, but last I checked, China was due to grow by 9% next year.

  17. Things have changed MR P - quite fast in fact.

    Go see Chinese Shanghai market for a view as to where they think china is going...nearly 60% down year on year now.

  18. Anonymous10:22 am

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