Sunday 30 November 2008

All Hail, The Economy is Saved ! That 2.5% In Full

Just another straw in the wind as 2.5%-off-VAT-day looms . . .

Mrs D and I occasionally patronise a well-known hotel chain. A day or so after the PBR, they wrote to us thus:

We will immediately be passing through the full 2.5% VAT reduction - book now !

Fair enough, very public-spirited of them; but wait, what's this ? Yesterday, they wrote to us again:

50% off all breaks - book now !

What will they be saying next week ? If we wait a bit, it will be cheaper to go and live there. Why would we book now ?



  1. Anonymous12:10 am

    Things are VERY cheap at Woolies...

  2. yup ! and we can thank Gordon Brown

    all hail Gordon Brown

  3. Anonymous8:08 am

    You can afford to take breaks and stay in hotels? Are you deliberately trying to attract attention to yourself?

  4. conspicuous consumption, I know, Intourist, I need to curb these inappropriate capitalist habits of mine from a bygone age

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