Sunday 9 November 2008

Gillian Tett: Plainspeaking Pin-up

As a blog that strives constantly to meet the goals set for us by Hazel Blears, in today's effort to add value we are instituting a bit of glamour. I give you the FT's multi-talented Gillian Tett, one of the very few journos deserving of honourable mention when it comes to foreseeing our current economic woes.

Lovely Gillian
, IQ 168, speaks Russian and Tajik: and she's a plain speaker, too.

Does she approve of [Brown's] handling of the crisis, or deem him guilty of mismanagement during his years as chancellor?

"Gordon Brown, like every other western leader, was shockingly complacent and negligent in failing to understand what was driving the City. The British government was happy to enjoy the fruits of the boom, but it didn't ask the hard questions."

Bit of added value there, eh, Hazel ?



  1. Has she really got an IQ of 168? There any evidence for that? :)

    If she has, she is going a bit too far for me. I'd be satisfied with a woman in the 130s :D

  2. I may have made that up

    though the evidence is there, wouldn't you say ?

    now put your tongue away (BTW what's 130s in inches ?)

  3. Anonymous8:45 am

    I wouldn't try to hard to add value, it might compromise your output. AS most know that meaningless phrase belongs to the psycho-babble era of the last century, which is where it belongs. However you could consider making a concesson to Ms Blears by promising that when and if government ever begins to add value you'll do the same.

  4. Whenever her name appears I always find myself trying to construct a pun around the word 'offensive'. I suspect I should try to get out more.

  5. Anonymous9:25 am

    168? I thought the generally accepted scale ran from 50 to 150?

    Gawd bless 'er for being spot on about the snotgobbler though.

  6. barry - I fear I am perpetually on the brink of compromising my output

    the bicycle wobbles, but somehow we stay upright

    Phu !, Mr C

    Mr W
    , I rest my case

  7. Anonymous1:05 pm

    "snotgobbler": it has just occurred to me that because (i) Gordo's dad was a god-botherer, and (ii) when I knew Gordo he was courting a royal lass, he could be said to be a 'gotsnobbler'.

  8. She was on Newsnight a few weeks ago when they tried to have an investigation into the credit crisis wasn't she ?

    She made the most devastating critic of our system of government saying the politicians and journalists just don't understand how finance works.

  9. on last night, too

  10. Anonymous3:34 pm

    Gee. I keep hoping she's a 36D

  11. Anonymous10:11 am

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