Monday 24 November 2008

Gordon's Economic Rally

Gordon and Alistair have been in this race for sometime. The end destination is a massive pension pay-off and autobiography sales. All they have to do is drive the UK Plc car for a 3 year stage, but they seem to be struggling on the way....

"Gordon we have to stop going left all the time."

"Darling its the only choice, right takes us down the dark path, it can't be the correct choice, you are reading your map wrong"

"Don't talk to me about map reading, when you gave me the map it was upside down and the route had to be crossed out and re-marked"

"That is not true Darling, the route was clear and there had been only minor historical revisions to re-order the effects poor statistical analysis"

"Mind that bump there or we will hit another credit crunch"

The car wheels left and nearly off the road.

"Make your mind up Darling, are we going to deal with that crunch or just keep avoiding it"

"I don't think the car can handle it Gordon, there is a long-route around, let's try that today"

"But we nationalised the Banks, lectured the world on fiscal prudence. We will go over that crunch without a bump. I am a genius driver, but just in case I am not what is the alternative?"

"Gordon, your the Boss the, next alternative turn is a hard right into the forest of fiscal stimulus"

"Hard right it is then, don't think I have ever done one before, but if we are going to get our rewards then we had better take some risks. After all tax cuts are what Socialism in the 21st Century is built upon."

"You have the knack now Gordon, you seem to have Tony's victorious twinkle in your eye now.It's OK Gordon, once we have done the first turn there are a myriad of small left's to tale in the future, higher taxes, government subsidies - a miasma of Big Government tinkering. It looks like a right now, but actually the end point is considerably Left of where we are as the crow flies"

"Let's get on with the job then"

"One Hard right to beat the opposition then Left all the way"


"Yes Darling"

"I love you. You arte taking me back to my dreamy university days of the 70's - oh the joy of my misspent youth in the library with mr Marx. We are going to go so far left and back in time that Michael J Fox won't be able to find us"

The wheels screetch as the car braces against the turn, but can the turn be made of does the car go off a cliff? To be continued at 3.30pm today...or not.


  1. Anonymous10:55 am

    Who in their right mind would read Alistair Darlings biography? I dont think he would make much money from that...

  2. Anonymous10:06 am

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