Monday 12 January 2009

Beyond Parody: "LabourList"

A service to the readership ...

We are pretty broad-minded here at C@W, and we'll take a gander at most things. Once. Having been urged by Dale, Guido et al to be nice to Dolly Draper, we wandered over, to find what can only be described as a spoof blog. Except that the Harriet Harman spoof blog was a good deal funnier.

What else can one say when confronted with the above photo, and this stuff (none of the following made up by me, see for yourself):

- "Gordon is right" (you sure about that, Derek ?)

- "Hero of the day: Alastair Campbell is said to have turned down a peerage. Alastair, you should still take a peerage - you deserve it more than 90% of those on the red benches!" (put yer tongue away, man !)

- Recent Posts:
.. In new media command and control doesn't work: we need to embrace and engage by Peter Mandelson
.. You have called for tighter moderation. Here it Derek Draper
.. Slick soundbites and poor spin from slippery Dave by Charlie Whelan
.. Rapid Rebuttal? – My take on the initial Tory reactions by Derek Draper

- Mandlebeeb's article is prefaced by this lame puff (that's puff):

"Aside from his achievements in politics, Peter wrote the successful 1996 book The Blair Revolution"

Couldn't make it up, comme on dit. Draper, this blog will not cause your host-service to be expanding its bandwidth. I can direct you to half-a-dozen student newspaper websites with more substance and flair - and bigger readerships, I confidently predict. C-, poor show.



  1. Anonymous10:57 pm

    that is one bad website. There's no focus, no call to action, no defined path to follow. It's just an amorphous mass of "shit on a stick" as we say in the trade. Whoever put that piece of sycophantic crap together had no concept of web design, web marketing or how punters interact with a page.

    And to cap it all it's fucking boring.

    I don't know how much money is behind it, but I can't see it surviving overlong.

  2. Anonymous4:24 pm

    "In new media command and control doesn't work: we need to embrace and engage"

    as opposed to old media, where it works very well, one presumes.

  3. Anonymous9:52 am

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