Tuesday 10 February 2009

Treasury Committe Bank interviews the Ego's

Much bruhaha today about Sir Fred Goodwin et al being dragged before the Treasury committee. Alphaville has a live session for those really enlivened by this.

Appparently, they may get Sir Fred etc. to say sorry. Wipee, well that all right then, isn't it?

The other part of the story, the ego, the dictatorship, the craven investors, the hubris of buying ABN. All this is well known. The event will be a sideshow.

Sophocles was writing this story 2600 years ago.


  1. I bet you the journalists will be packing the public seating area for this spectator sport.

    All the newspapers and politicians are calling for blood and I don't think they'll be disappointed.

    (not sure if I mean that literally....)

  2. Goodwin is surely the very definition of hubris and fully deserves an afternoon of tarring and feathering(!). then he can go back to his ten bed retirement pile and that lovely £580K pension. What are middle and lower ranking staff at RBS left with?

  3. Treasury seems determined to investigate end the bonus culture.
    Less keen to end the expenses culture though..

  4. Rogue apostrophe in headline.

    "Lord" Stephenson is clearly a sanctimonious creep of the first order.

    McKillop obviously didn't have a scooby what was going on. I think he's a dispensing chemist.

    Andy looked like crying.

    The Shred? Don't get me started.

  5. Anonymous4:11 pm

    How much is a kilo of 'SORRY' worth- what is the price per ton?
    In this country people can be sent to prison for stealing a miniscule fraction of what these 'banksters' ripped off. They worked hand in glove with the Americans to reparcel those duff mortgages as hidden toxic debt investment opportunity packages. Brown et al let them do it - they knew the deck of cards would come down one day - maybe they planned to reparcel them again and sell them to Africa or some other unfortunates- but the house fell down sooner. It's like being at a party after the music has stopped. Yeah.... sorry - SORRY doesn't quite cut it- does it?? Madoff is also sorry as well - but he hasn't even bothered to say it.....

  6. Anonymous9:40 am

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