Wednesday 4 February 2009

Treasury Select Committee; Financial Media Circus

Today has seen the assorted wonders of our financial media, Jeff Randall (SKY), Robert Peston (HM Treasury), Alex Brummer (Daily Mail) and Lionel Barber (FT) brought before a treasury committee be grilled by MP's over their role in the economic disaster that has befallen us.

Some brief highlights / reactions.

- Brummer said the Daily Mail was laughed at for year about House Price Stories (surely not?). I am unsure as to whether a stopped clock is right twice a day or whether they actually need an apology from us all for laughing for so long.

- All of them claim to have seen this coming and warned everyone. Perhaps in future financial media will be more respected. For once I think this is both outrageously self-serving and true.

- Against bank PR machines, they stood no chance. Banks would deny the truth up until they were proven to be lying. This is also true and says alot about what we should think about what banks are still telling us today...

- The committee said blogs have lowered the standard of media reporting. Peston apart, they all agreed somewhat. How very dare they! The opposite is true, blogs post and muse in a way a salaried journalist never would.

- To end on Randall was definitive when asked about the future, the others prevaricated. Rather ruins some of the better points they made earlier to obscufate when actually asked a real question.


  1. Anonymous6:32 pm

    "FT saw pieces of this puzzle, says Barber, no one understood the impact would be so severe": my measure of how severe it would be was that it would put my occupational pension in jeopardy => bloody calamity. I would seem to have done better than the FT.

  2. Anonymous7:48 pm

    Banks have always lied. I still get the usual loan application from my Bank offering loans at 7.4% and laced in flowery language.

    Get the calculator out and you will find it is nearly double that!!

    They simply rely on morons to look at monthly payments and nothing else!

    Needless to say i put it through the household shredder. Lying swine.

  3. Anonymous11:03 pm

    I liked the 'cover them in soma' retort. With one term, the journo cast more scathing vitriol on the mindset of our Gummint than any other defence. Genius.

    I'll be back, later, but I am off to perform my civic duty and consume and work my treadmill.

  4. For all their faults, the Daily Mail did more to warn the great unwashed they were in too much debt than anyone.

    Remember the £1trillion front page?

  5. Anonymous9:42 am

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