Monday 9 March 2009

Bail-out indigestion: the good, the bad and the ugly?

Lloyd's asset insurance scheme participation was announced on Saturday; but the share performance today has been poor, with the price dropping 10% or so in early trading.

RBS, whose shares jumped on the back of their participation to over 30p, have dropped back to 18p. Quite a fall in the space of a week or so!

If Lloyd's was the good bank in Brown's eyes for saving HBOS, then RBS was the ugly, in that it just accumulated huge debts under the now despised Fred Goodwin. (HBOS too could be seen as ugly were it too still exist...)

However, now it is the turn of the bad, Barclay's. As we have reported before, Barclay's makes much of its money out of selling tax avoiding schemes. Barclay's more recently is guilty of gilding its results with some interesting number crunching post its Lehman takeover.

When the treasury mandarins have had their sleep, it will be Barclay's turn to negotiate with the Government. RBS had a share price bounce, but fell back, LLoyd's share price fell 50% odd. The omens do not look good for the Varley and Diamond show.


  1. Anonymous2:43 pm

    Nice Article!

  2. Anonymous4:13 pm

    Given how intrusive the UK government is acting wouldn't you want to do virtually anything to avoid their clammy grasp?

    I remember that they were getting slammed for not going to the government for "cheap" money and i bet LTSB and RBOS both wish they had gone a different route too.

  3. Do you think Barclays will take the governments shilling? They have seen resolute in wanting to avoid it so far.

  4. "Barclay's more recently is guilty of gilding its results with some interesting number crunching "

    speaks volumes. when will the truth out?

  5. Anonymous1:40 pm

    Richard, they would have to mentally retarded. Given what has happened to shareholders in Lloyds and RBOS and the extraordinary interference of the government in even the most trivial matters, i would say any money anywhere else at any price is better!!

  6. Anonymous1:04 pm

    Oh Barclays what have you let Bobby D and Jenkins do? Where once you were a nice high street bank you just had to get involved in all that high falutin stuff the yanks were at? Now look at you.
    A fake balance sheet larger than the United Kingdom's GDP, %50 (£1 trillion!) of which is fair value derivatives (how are you working out those values?).

    My favorite part is the notional value. £45 trillion.

  7. Anonymous9:31 am

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