Friday 13 March 2009

HMG Treasury in action

2 whisper stories to end the week on this week:

1. The newly minted state banks have meetings with their senior management every week now with Shriti Vadera (Minister for small business - I guess that is where the want the banks to go!) and a treasury team. These are not meetings the bankers' look forward too.

After the opening niceties it goes something along the lines of:

"How much F**cking money have you lent this week? Why aren't you lending more? What have you done about improving you capital ratios you f**cking imbeciles"

The shocked bankers sit and try to explain that the many contradictory orders cannot be followed. Surprisingly, they just get shouted down.

One week just after Christmas Lord Mandelson turned up. The meeting was more civilised. Mandy said I trust you all to do what you think is best, its is your business after all. He then said, of course there was another side to the deal and that '"from the moment I leave this room I am going to call you all C**ts to the media."

2. An Army General came to dinner with a friend and said he had had the top three MOD treasury mandarins down to see him during the week. They were doing the usual thing about budget cuts and overspend. When asked about what they future held they said they had no view at all of what would happen over the rest of 2009, but were sure that inflation would jump to over 6% in 2010 due to the monetary stimulus being injected into the economy.


  1. Anonymous10:58 am

    Are they men or are they mice? If a minister swears at you, you leave the meeting and explain your action to the press. "We thought we should give the minister a chance to compose herself" would do. Alpha males, my arse.

  2. Anonymous1:15 pm

    The trouble is, if you've got them by the balls...

  3. Exactly Gordon Brownout, they probably spend all their time in there selling her complex insurance and asset purchase schemes that no-one understands - and she's too embarrassed to admit she doesn't understand them either.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Dearime - That is what new owners can do!

    SL- great points, it seems obvious that there will be bug complex probelms to come from these schemes. The banks will find loopholes eventually...

  6. Re the inflation: What frustrates me is that the Govt will blame everyone else for the price inflation - unions, businesses.

    Or ...

    Gordon will say its a global problem and not specific to the UK and therefore not his fault. Just as he has done re the downturn. The fact that over the last few months he has claimed to be leading and saving the world will be quietly ignored and brushed under the carpet. Not least by the BBC.

    I just hope people have the common sense to see him for the reckless, irrseponsible pratt that he is.

  7. It was bad before, but where are all these unelected and unaccountable people coming from? And what are there qualifications and experience to be telling the bankers what to do?

    That's what worries me the most in the long term, and I suspect is what has caused half the current problem too.

  8. Don't you know Houdini? Shriti "Darth" Vadera used to work at UBS and advised Gordon on 'city issues' between 1999 and when she was made a Baroness the other year.

    Rumour has it the Major regime wouldn't give her a plush civil service number, so she turned to NuLab.

  9. Mandelson is a shocking bully, I have seen him in action at close quarters

    grown men don't much like to acknowledge how effective raw bullying can be - not effective threats, just personal menace

    but they bow the knee just the same

  10. Classic bad cop, good cop routine. Obviously members of our beloved Labour Govt take their political inspiration from 1970's cops show "The Sweeney" ...

  11. Anonymous2:05 pm

    dearieme, what and suddenly be vilified in the press, have your company destroyed by government leaks and random changes in regulation? Or be hounded in the Court of Public Opinion? No wonder BARCL wants to stick two fingers up at the government.

  12. Marvellous. I'd relish the opportunity to slap any one of them in the mouth. Such a shame that the bankers seem to be so weak.

    But then maybe they're into the long game, eh? After all, it won't be that long before the current political loonies will be gone...

  13. Fascinating reading, and entirely believable.

  14. Anonymous9:30 am

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