Wednesday 13 May 2009

1000th post

Gosh, that is quite a number when I saw it come up today. 1000 posts between Honourable Member MR Quango, Nick Drew and myself. I wonder what the next 1000 will bring given that we started this in the middle of 2006 in the sunny uplands of the falsified Labour boom!

Yet today, the scene is much bleaker. Companies are reporting poor results and the rally we have just experienced in shares seems to be petering out. No doubt all the boards are having endless discussions about further cost cutting to try and break even or even turn a profit.

This is the worst news of all as 224,000 more people lost their jobs in the first quarter of this year. Taking the total to 2.2 million. Given that the government don't count another couple of million at least because they are mums/students/carers then the real number is really horrible. What a sad state we are in.

Redundancies announced at my place of work Monday, so will soon see if I am added to the tally. I will be on hols for 2 weeks at that point, hoping it is not made longer than that...


  1. The only downside to idleness is loss of income.

    I am sure you will be fine, but if not, my advice is to draw up a list of priority creditors. My tailor, wine merchant and accountant have all got used to not being paid. They know me well enough to remain calm and anticipate that I will take another job in due course.

  2. Keep up the great blogging! A man with your skills will always be able to find work. If all else fails I'm sure that Mr Quango could find you a job in his constituency office...

  3. Polishing his golden toilet perhaps? :D

  4. Now Blue eyes and edindie are scoring off me!
    That bloody Telegraph....

  5. Touching wood for you CU, here's to the next 1,000.

  6. aka JP6:36 am

    Multitudiferous congratulifications.
