Tuesday 19 May 2009

An Honourable Leftie - Revisited

Exactly two years ago to this very day (when Mr CU was once again on his holidays and yours truly was just a humble guest-posting stand-in) I had cause to celebrate the honourable actions of this old buffer.

He is veteran leftie David Winnick, and he's been at the integrity bottle again ! On the side of the angels over MPs expenses, and the need for Speaker Martin to pack his bags - David Winnick ! Once again I salute you.



  1. Some of these hard core lefties actually 'go round the clock' and you find yourself agreeing with them more often that not (see also Kelvin Hopkins).

  2. Yes, Winnick's been a consistently decent chap and it was perhaps his intervention yesterday which has tipped Martin into resigning.

  3. Shansat11:46 am

    When your lefty friends are telling you its time to go, then its time to go.
    Goodbye Mickey Mouse.

  4. trimalchio8:52 pm

    My guess is you might have different views on economic systems. But that's an intellectual debate. There are a few independent thinkers of all political shades in politics. They do seem to manifest at the margins (but is that because the ideas of left and right are really gross simplifications?). The enemy is the bloated, self-serving, controlling oligarchy that has run this country for so long.

    Time for left, right and centre to make common cause for liberty, destruction of privilege and good government. Frankly, we can leave the arguements about wealth and taxation till later.

  5. it's only the inveterate troublemakers that can be relied upon in such cases.

    in between times these fellows are "nutters"; and all the decent, clubbable chaps are cosily ensconsed within the establishment

  6. dearieme3:02 pm

    I'm afraid that the first question I ask myself about old Lefties is "How much of your expenses did Moscow defray?".
